Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fun Fotographing

Three sisters, five cameras and one blue heeler named Pita experienced a busy, beautiful day yesterday.  

The photos above were taken at Kootenai Falls, including a family at the swinging bridge.  Vestie McCormick from Dallas is part of that family, and he asked me to make sure he got the photo somehow.  

So, Vestie, enjoy!  It's all yours. Nice to meet you and your family.

My sister Barbara is a member of a Flickr photography group which presents specific but general photographic challenges.

This week's assignment involved taking candid photos of strangers engaged in activities.  Once photos were taken, the activity needed to be connected with a movie. 

"Deliverance," "Wild Hogs," "On Golden Pond" and well-known flick titles came into the discussion as we drove north toward Bonners and then on to Montana. 
I have no idea how many pictures got snapped during the trip, but I do know that we had a blast----at Yaak Falls, for instance, where we met motorcycle riders on a scavenger hunt ride from Missoula.

They had two days to travel anywhere in Montana, taking pictures at certain stops and bringing back information.  Tonight they return with their findings to the Harley Davidson dealership in Missoula.
We watched an old Yaakster roll a cigarette while talking with two beer-drinking locals outside the town store.  

We visited several campgrounds along the way, we spent more than an hour at Kootenai Falls near Libby, and probably the highlight of the day was driving past a beautiful black mother bear with her twin cubs on HWY 200.

Mom was standing upright, probably checking out the highway traffic before crossing to the other side, which, ironically, happened to be the place where visitors could go see bears in pens.

A car coming from the other way had to slow down almost to a stop to miss the cubs as they ran across the highway following their mother. 

Laurie was able to get a few quick shots of the crossing, but by the time we turned around, the trio had disappeared into the woods behind the bear shop. 

It was a gorgeous day for seeing the country, and there were ample examples for Barbara to photograph as she completed this week's assignment.

We're certainly hoping for more similar adventures as she embarks on future challenges.  

A fun day indeed.

Bill came rolling in about 1:20 this morning from his day on the St. Joe River.  I awakened about 1 a.m. to realize the TV was still going and no Bill.

He's up this morning, and I told him we were about 15 minutes from my calling the sheriff.  It was good to hear the car come in the driveway, cuz he stays out late on fishing trips but never quite that late.

He said the fishing was fantastic. 

Again, a great day for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Vestie McCormick thank u for the pic