Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Slight

Had the time of my life once again at a class reunion last night.

After attending a gala at The Bridge with my family, I drove to Pend Oreille Winery and visited for an hour or so with these two former students and an additional cast of dozens from the Sandpoint High School Class of 1981.

That would be Rob Noort, ASB president from that year, and Keith Morris, renowned author and professor, now at Clemson University.

These days, Rob is in to massage therapy these days after several years at Spokane's Mountain Gear.  

I knew it was Rob when someone came up from behind and uttered "Love Butt." 

That was the name of his 4-H pig one year at the Bonner County Fair, and he even handed over the stall name placard to me as a gift after  his "Love But" went off to . . . . 

Yes, Rob left off the second "T" on the placard, but that was okay.  Rob was always funny, gregarious and upbeat.  Still is, in fact.
I had a chance to meet Keith's wife last night; they're celebrating their wedding anniversary here as well as the class reunion.

The problem with such events is that the visiting with each individual has to be so brief.  Even so, it was quality time, for sure and a wonderful gathering.

I still have some more reunion visits in store this weekend and plan to spend a little time at a barn in Sagle this evening where the Class of 1971 is gathering.  

I'm just wondering if Pat Gunter will have his motorcycle revved up.  


Bill has gone to the St. Joe River on a float and fishing trip with his friend Chris.  He headed out around 5 a.m., with plans to meet Chris in Calder.  

I have a feeling he'll come back pretty sun-baked but satisfied with a day's worth of adventure on the river. 


Here at the Lovestead another round of raspberries, peas and beans are ready for the picking, so I'll spend part of the day at the harvest. So far, so good on the garden yield.  Just keeps a person busy keeping up with it all when so many items ripen at the same time.

No complaints, though. 


The weather is nice enough and the forecast consistent enough that I went to town and bought fly masks for the horses yesterday. 

No complaints from them either.  They stook perfectly still in the pasture as I slipped the masks over their ears and faces.  

So, they look funny, but they'll enjoy life without those pesky critters constantly attacking their eyes. 


Lots of stuff on the agenda so I'd better get on with the day.

May you have a wonderful Saturday on this last weekend in July.

OMG, August?  

Where has the summer gone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason the summer seems so short is because we haven't HAD a summer!