Monday, September 05, 2011


This is the land on both sides of Selle Road from above Schweitzer Ski Resort.  Unfortunately, our place is hidden behind the tall tree, but it's fun to look down there, almost able to see the horses in the field.  The far field on the right is Poelstra's dairy.

I'll post a few hold-over photos from the weekend, most of which were snapped in high places.

As we started up the Myrtle Creek Road Saturday enroute to Roman Nose Lake, we had to stop at this vista (top photo) overlooking the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge northwest of Bonners Ferry. 

We may be in the "dirty" season where grasses are drying out and leaves are crisping up on bushes and trees, but this view offered plenty of color.
Between the farmers' grain fields, the deep blue of those large ponds and those transitional colors of grass and leaves, the palette was pretty rich.

Yesterday Bill and I went up into the high country again in search of huckleberries.  

Actually, we did not have to search because Bill had already scouted out the patch where we picked. 

In fact, he'd also flagged it for a friend who wanted to do some picking. 

We had to walk a ways down a trail from the road, but we got into some good patches with large berries and lots of them.

As we picked, music from a band could be heard in the lowland beneath us.  That lowland was Schweitzer Village where the annual micro-brewfest weekend is drawing huge crowds.

Both parking lots were filled to the brim when we drove up around 1:30 p.m.  When we left about three hours later, the lots were still packed and a string of traffic was headed up the hill throughout our drive down to the flats.

Some of the music made me think I was walking the streets of Dublin cuz it certainly had the lively Irish beat and sounds. 

Just made me pick faster and with more enthusiasm.

The dogs picked and ate, while Bill and I picked and plopped berries into our buckets.  We came home with about a gallon and enjoyed some sundaes last night.  Bill separated a small bunch of berries for his morning hotcakes. 

Again, it was an absolutely perfect day for being in the woods.  The mountain flies were persistent but not too bad.

Over the weekend---well at its beginning, a fire broke out in the Sand Creek drainage below Schweitzer.  We could see it from our house, and I was able to snap a photo of the helicopter which was making water drops on the small blaze.  

It was still putting up smoke on Saturday but appears to be fully doused now. 

Lots of little projects on the agenda today, maybe a short drive with my mother.  It's another gorgeous day for us to enjoy.  We do not take this weather for granted because it goes by much too fast.

Happy Labor Day.

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