Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Beat Goes On

No paper yet this morning, so I'm posting earlier than usual.  That's good, though, because company's coming at 9:30 and Lily needs to be saddled up and ready to go.

I'll take photos of my visitors and post them tomorrow.  I'll just tell you that one of them is female and a lifelong horse lover.  So, her hubby arranged for her to have a horse fix while she's in Sandpoint.

My own personal horse fix yesterday went very well.  I had a chance to see Heather in action along the road and down some trails.  I can report that she's a get-up and go mare.  

We horse people use the term "ground-covering walk."  And, to people who ride, that's music to their ears. 

For people riding alongside a horse with a "ground-covering walk," the truth sadly emerges.  

In this case, I now know that Lily's pretty lazy.  We usually ride alone so there's no comparison to make.

Yesterday, let's say, Lily jogged a lot---to catch up with Melissa and Heather. Thankfully, Lily has a very comfortable jog.

Heather shied a few times---maybe three or four--in the course of 90 minutes or so.  Except for recoiling at the flattened-out, dried-up horse apples on the road, her other shies made sense.  In one case, two barking dogs racing around at the end of their driveway set her off.  

If shying once in a while is the worse thing Heather does, I'd say she's on her way to being a good saddle horse, cuz shying is customary with horses of all ages and experience.  

Lily still thinks great big gray boulders or most anything in a pile are monsters in disguise.

Anyway, I couldn't be more pleased, and I really appreciate Melissa's help in getting a few more miles on Heather. 

In other news, there's official news of yesterday's Idaho Vandals--Fresno State Bulldogs game at this link: 

Sports reporter William Love filed the story.  It was not a good game for the Vandals---at least during the second half, but it was another good sports gig for Willie.  

Looks like the Sounders crowd had a good time in Vancouver especially with their team winning last night as Annie and her friends sat in the front row.  

Annie's figuring on attending if the Sounders make the finals in their league play.  She thinks that will be in Los Angeles, so her adventures never seem to end.

Today is the fall tea for Women of Wisdom, so as soon as my company leaves this morning, I'll be changing into some downtown clothes and heading off to pick up my mother.  

And, when that's over, there may be a great big sigh of relief that all the weekend's agenda has been completed, and hopefully successfully so.  

People keep reminding me that I'm retired.  I usually just shrug my shoulders at such reminders.  

Lately, I've been reminding Bill that when he retires next week, the community-minded volunteers/vultures will start appearing at the doorstep or on the telephone:  now that you're retired, would you like to . . . . ?

He'll probably go through the same learning curve I did, and nine years out, he'll probably realize the true meaning of "RE-tired."  You get tired over and over and over again as you keep up with everything on your schedule. 

Still, it's fun and it beats sitting in a rocking chair. 

Happy Sunday.

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