Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Game-Night Fun

Howie White, owner of downtown Athol's Saddle Up Grill after a night of cookin' up goodies for his restaurant guests.  Debbie and I enjoyed a couple  of tasty sandwiches with hot, crispy fries after attending Willie's Junior Varsity basketball season opener at Timberlake High School last night.  We also enjoyed getting to know Howie who's proud of his Friday and Saturday night smoked BBQ ribs and prime rib offerings.  We're figuring the time will come this winter when two sets of Loves need to go see Howie again and try out his specialties.  Howie says his brother who owns the Rose Lake Restaurant is known for the cookies he bakes, while Howie specializes in "pony pies."  Of course, we had to buy a few samples, and when we came home to a dark house (we watched a transformer go down in the Selle area on our way home), Bill sat by the light of his flashlight and enjoyed Howie's peach pony pie.  He highly approved.

Second-year Junior Varsity coach Will Love talks to his team during their season opener last night.  The JV's listened and performed, winning the game 60-19 over Timberlake High School.  Debbie and I enjoyed sitting in the midst of sophomore, JV and varsity players.  Looks like it will be a fun season ahead.  
Ticket Sellers for Timberlake
Varsity players await their game.
Assistant coaches Jake and Will talk with head coach Tyler Haines (middle).
Stats crew likes their nachos

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