Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Tuesday Twitterdeetreats

What a treat it was for us to have this little lady and her mom come to our door last night.
 We didn't exactly set a record Lovestead for trick or treaters, but whenever we have two sets of visitors,  that merits a mention.
Two mothers and daughters showed up, and good visits went along with the candy dispensing. 
Wouldya believe the little gal up above is driving a cart pulled by a mule---at age 5.
Next year she gets to compete in some shows. 
She and her mom even said they'd come over again sometime and help me get my Lefty going in the cart.  I bet Lefty would love this little driver.
Our adorable witch kept us entertained during the visit.  
She sings as well as I do, and she chews on her tongue while concentrating.  So, I feel a bond already.
I taught both her mom and dad too, so that made the visit even more special.
Our other trick or treater actually goes to school.  She's a neighbor down the road, and even though I've waved at her mother several times as she's passed by, last night was our first real visit.  Enjoyable too! 
All in all, Halloween was another beautiful day around here.  
In the morning I spotted the first visitor to my new makeshift bird-feeder station. 
With winter coming on, I'm attempting everything possible to enjoy the housebound days.  So, I put together a stand for a couple of feeders, right next to one of the living-room windows.
It's in a direct line to the feeders at the maple tree.  So, if we have a big population of chickadees and woodpeckers, maybe we'll have some great shows.
A chickadee came in for a landing and sampled goodies from both window feeders as I was standing in the living room yesterday.
The feeding activity increased throughout the day, so I'm thinkin' good times are ahead.
Right, Janet????
I also took the dogs for another walk around the newly manicured trails through the woods.  Brooke once again stayed near my side, thanks to the leash.
Again, some scenes along the way begged to be photographed.
So, I obliged, happily.
I'll include a few and wish all a happy Tuesday on this first day of November.


Anonymous said...

You will love the birds coming close to the window to feed. Fun to watch. And actually helps with the window hits since they slow up for the feeders.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures made me ache inside to see some real fall weather! Beautiful.
Julie / Orlando