Sunday, February 05, 2012

Super Sunday Ads

Well, today it's about the food, the gorgeous sun, the hiking across hard-packed snow and the Super Sunday commercials.  Oh yeah, there's a football game.
Speaking of Super Sunday commercials,  have I got a deal for you!
First,  the food.  We're having Dutch-oven country style ribs, first ever in Bill's Dutch oven, which he received for Christmas.
The ribs have been soaking in Coca Cola since last night.  I know they'll be coated with the original Stubbs barbecue sauce and some other secret ingredients.
There's a big tub of lasagne---Stouffers, which really is pretty good stuff.
We'll have a plate of Kirkland meatballs, smothered with barbecue sauce.
Willie and Debbie are bringing chicken AND then there'll be an assortment of salads, nibbles and desserts.  
I think I'll make a peach cobbler this morning.
We won't go hungry with our Super Sunday gluttonous menu.  
We'll probably also take a trip,  while basking in this beautiful February sun,  across Meserve's field.  Some will have their camera gear; so there could be some nice shots for tomorrow. 
Sometime during the day we'll stop by The Bridge for its all-day tailgate party.  Leland, the manager,  has been planning this for sometime, and if it's anything like the other events at The Bridge, it will be fun.
Of course, besides all-day feast, the 60-inch HDTV will be a draw. 
I don't think Mother cares two hoots who wins the Super Bowl, but she's excited about the carnival atmosphere at The Bridge today.
And, speaking of the Super Bowl, I've heard tell that a lot of folks---me included---don't care two hoots about who wins today.  That's cuz our teams--the Saints, the 49-ers, the Seahawks and the Packers--won't be playing.
What many viewers do care about are the ads.  Bill lives for the annual Budweiser ad.  I'll second that one.  
I've heard that there are actually a few Budweiser Clydesdales right here in our neighborhood, so there's another notch on Bill's perennial observation of "the Sandpoint connection." 
Yup, that Budweiser ad always tugs at the heart of anyone who loves nostalgia and those magnificently beautiful gentle giants.
BUT another Super Sunday commercial is airing today.  My Facebook friends and my blog followers are getting a sneak preview before we hit the big time. 
And, Bill's happy because this commercial has the "Sandpoint connection."  
We've been told it will be showing up on three television stations, but I'm thinking the "Slight Detour" audience may be among the first to see this one.
Don't know how many millions of dollars this one's gonna rake in for the media, but I do know it's a fun one.
So, here you go.  You saw it here first!  
And, Betty White had better look out,  cuz Mother Tibbs is running her some close competition!
Happy Super Sunday to all. 

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