Friday, February 03, 2012

Surviving the ZAG-OUCH

It was the worst of games.  It was a coach's nightmare.  It was dismal at best and certainly not the best of anything--------if you're a ZAGS fan.
If you're BYU, you're glowing this morning. 
It's a rare moment when I quit watching a ZAGS game.  
I did so twice last night.
But I couldn't exactly get in to that "Grey's Anatomy" segment, which appeared to be a rerun before all those doctors played musical chairs and switched romantic partners.
Maybe the ZAGS needed to play some musical chairs cuz the music was not playing their song last night.
If such an ugly loss feels so so bad to fans, I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in the minds and bodies of those coaches and players this morning as they head off to Pepperdine for tomorrow's game.
One thing we can say about the ZAGS losses this year is that they've been consistent.  When they're bad, they're really, really bad----which has inspired some serious channel surfing. 
I told Bill this morning that at least this time, we would not have to drown in our sorrows, literally.  
No snow.  No rain on this morning after.
Lots of sunshine here with a coating of clean snow.  The sun's rays are lighting up Schweitzer as I type.  Beautiful, yes.
I can handle a ZAGS loss this morning.  After all, the ZAGS help us get through winters,  and we won't need them for the next several days ahead.
Here in ZAGland we'll be happy with our sunny days, and maybe things will go better at Pepperdine tomorrow and maybe last night's stinger from the Cougars will be forgotten. 

On this sunny Friday,  I'll be driving over to Forest Siding to load up the second installment of barn stall shavings from Roxane.  
That means I'm on the downhill side of barn cleaning for another year.  
When that morning activity ends, we'll be pulling up the boards in the box-stall floors and looking in to an alternative surface.  
Urine and boards are not a good mix, and two of our stall floors are living on borrowed time,  due to rotting of wood.
In fact, Lefty's stall comes as close to being an equine trampoline as any I've ever seen. He seems to deal well while bouncing up and down with every step.

Today is also hair snip day.  For $25,  my hairdresser Sally will thin my bangs and even up all the split ends. 
I've resorted to having her do this on the months in between hair zap days because I don't like the constant lectures:  You've been cutting your hair again!  
No matter how careful I am with the scissors in between appointments, every hairdresser I've had always knows. 
So, I figure it's worth the $25 to shut 'em up. 
Which brings to mind.  I've been looking at Donald Trump, not because I go looking for Donald Trump but because he shows up at the most interesting times.
Yesterday, I noticed that his face make-up looks worse than ever, and his hairdo----what can we say?
It also struck me as ironic yesterday that if "The Donald" has all this money, can't he find a better make-up artist and hair stylist?
I'm wondering how much do those people get paid to make him look like that?
Or, is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder, meaning I have bad eyes?
Could it be that in these times of Donaldum, we country bumpkins should tune in to a new paradigm and finally learn that "The Donald" look is really the best that money can buy?
Just wondering . . . .

Well, it's just too pretty out there to push my brain into working hard this morning, so I'm gonna take care of my body (and my pedometer) and get out there.  
By the way, I walked on top of snow this morning.  First time this year it's been crusty and hard enough to do that. 

Happy Friday to all.

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