Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Visit to Indian Canyon

Before Annie left to go back to Seattle yesterday, we took a quick trip to Indian Canyon near Palm Springs.  Our hike included some fun watching hummingbirds and other local species.
Like Joshua Tree National Park, this beautiful place begs for a return trip when more time for hiking is available.
Annie is now back in the snowy Northwest, and I'll be driving home from Spokane Airport at oh-so-late-dark-thirty tonight, probably arriving back at the Lovestead on Leap Year Day.
We've had a wonderful time here, meeting so many nice people, sitting back and visiting, eating too much and enjoying a wine on the side.
This morning we go to the country club for Mow's tennis date, then to a birthday dessert lunch with one of her friends.  Afterward, she'll drop me off at the airport, and, finally, her hubby Joe's question will be answered:  we'll quit talking.
This has been a good getaway, and, God willing, spring will eventually get its start back home.
Life will go on with animals, early garden projects and the day-to-day life of living on the farm.  And, along with it, the memories of these past few days will bring many moments of fun reflection.
Happy Tuesday to all.  Enjoy the photos.  And, thanks so much, Mow and Joe, for your wonderful hospitality.  See you in Idaho!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots, Marianne! I love all the Indian Canyons & oasis around the valley. Puz