Yesterday afternoon turned out to be filled with surprises for me. I had my camera for one of the unexpected events on my schedule but regret NOT having it for the other.
During what was expected to be a quiet rainy afternoon running some errands and taking Foster to The Bridge to see my mother, the first surprise occurred.
Foster and I walked into The Bridge and met Mother in the living room just off the lobby. Usually Foster is quite happy to see "Grandma" cuz Grandma usually has some cookie bites to share.
The little guy's attention was diverted, however, as he watched another pooch about his side trotting down the hallway with another resident.
Foster so wanted to go join the brown daschund, but he HAD to go visit Grandma, who, as yet, had no cookies to share.
Later, I walked him down the hallway where the fresh-baked cookies usually appear around 2 p.m. The tray was empty, so I stepped in to visit the nurses.
Suddenly, a stern "yap, yap" startled Foster. It came from a crate in the staff room where an adorable chihuahua named Ave (belonging to Maria, by the way) was yelling chihuahua shout-outs to the little Aussie.
Soon another chihuahua appeared, in the arms of the daughter of another resident.
That's when I learned that it was "Pet Day" at The Bridge AND that 11--count 'em--11 Newfoundland/Golden retriever puppies were coming from Elmira with their mother.
Foster seemed to take the whole situation in stride, especially cuz the cookies soon appeared on the tray and Grandma looked a lot better than all those other dogs.
Later, when OctoMom plus Three appeared in the activities center, a couple of dozen residents came to see.
That's when I wished that I'd brought my camera.
What joy those chubby, furry black babies brought while residents held them in their laps, loving and stroking them.
Foster watched it all with amazement, even as Big Mama came over to sniff him out, deciding it was okay for him to hang out with her litter.
Kodak moments, for sure . . . . many, many of them.
Note to self: keep that camera handy.
On my way home, I received a call from Debbie asking me if I'd bring my camera and come to Coeur d'Alene to take photos at a couple of events with Miss Idaho.
"We're meeting at the Croc Center at 6," she said.
So, I checked in to mental overdrive, checking off in my mind all the "to do's" that must be completed by 4 p.m., allowing me plenty of time to get to a place where I'd never been.
With horses in the barn, doggies all fed and a call put out to my sisters to come over and let the dogs out at 7, I took off WITH CAMERA this time.
Both events were uplifting and enjoyable.
At the Croc Center, I had the opportunity to talk to a staff member who has worked her entire career for the Salvation Army, which manages the beautiful facility in West Coeur d'Alene.
There were plenty of photo ops as Genevieve fired up a group of adoring Girl Scouts, Brownies and their moms and leaders with stories of the great moments of her life as a scout and as a beauty queen.
Words like "respect, goal setting, kindness" drove her message.
In the audience were some other queens from Spokane and Yakima who had invited Genevieve AND her entourage of Loves to dinner at The Coeur d'Alene Resort.
Again, we enjoyed a pleasant visit with the royalty and their group.
Turns out Miss Spokane Teen of Achievement has one of my former students, Joelle Huguenin Traynor, as her Spanish teacher.
On this day of surprises, I found it no surprise to learn that Joelle is JJ Brown's (Julia Jean) favorite teacher.
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed my day of surprises, and I'm figuring today will be fun too.
Maybe even a few more surprises in store with Miss Idaho here in town.
We're thinking she needs to sample some Second Avenue Pizza. Maybe that will work out.
Happy Friday to all.
AND, Happy Five-Month Birthday to dear little Foster.
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