Thursday, April 05, 2012

Soon To Be in the 1 Percent, Et. Al.

I've been getting really tired of living in the 100 percent or, at best,  the 80 percent. 

If all goes right in the next 48 hours or so, I'll be reveling about finally existing in the in the 1 percent realm and maybe even the zero percent.

Yup, we've gotten darned tired of looking at percentages-----only to shrug and gripe and groan.  
Today it looks like we may have moved up a notch to maybe the 40 percent.

By Saturday, we could speed right up the meteoric ladder and finally escape the winter doldrums.  
For me that's worth more than all the cash in the world.

Next week's forecast shows us with 10 percent or less precipitation, and that is welcome news after yet another winter storm all day yesterday and overnight.  
The ground is white out here this morning, and from what I hear, it's a lot whiter south of us.

Still, the birds are singing.  On my walk through the fields and the woods this morning, I stopped a few times just to listen to the lovely sounds of robins and chickadees singing away and flitting from tree to tree.

I could hear and see Canadian geese coming in for landings on the Meserve Preserve pond.  The melodious and cacophonous sounds of spring top the charts around here. 

On the morning walk, the dogs were having a great time too.  

Once again, however, I had to remind Kea to quit trying to stare down Wes and Alicia's yaks next door.  For some reason, Kea thinks they're part of her job description.

I tell her she's got enough work to do on her side of the fence, with the horses, Jonas cat and general fence patrol.  Kea doesn't always see it that way.

Which brings me to mind that one of the Yahoo online features today lists dogs "requiring a lot of attention."  

And, how do they tease readers into checking out the article?  They post a photo of a Border Collie.

So, of course, I checked it out, and the following is what they said about our dogs of choice. 

Border Collie:

Often referred to as a canine Einstein, the Border Collie has a desire to work that borders on the obsessive. He will herd anything that comes his way - kids, cats, cars, even a bag of oranges that have spilled onto the floor.   [Yes, even Yaks!]

His intelligence and energy make him a fabulous competitor in dog sports, but if he is underemployed at home, he is likely to develop compulsive behaviors such as chasing light and shadows, twirling in circles, and bouncing up and down. 

Be prepared to keep him busy with dog sports, activities around the house, regular training sessions and plenty of daily exercise. 

I'll go along with the Einstein description and the need to be fully employed, although I notice that age is catching up with Miss Kiwi.  She does actually take time out from her coffee cans and pine cones to get in a little couch potato time.

But Kea does not punch a time clock.  In fact, I have to beg her to come in at night because she works overtime and without pay.  See if she ever gets into the 1 percent!

I've been told the Border Collie nation will be hosting a tiny visitor this weekend.  You might say we're doing some "Foster care."

Foster is a miniature Australian Shepherd pup, belonging to our Groundspeak friend Raine.  Annie tells us that she'll be bringing Foster with her when she drives over tomorrow. 

We're excited to have Foster for a sleepover or two.  And, we'll be glad to see Annie too!

I'm sure our Border Collies will happily take on a new job when Foster shows up.  He may go back to Seattle with a whole new dose of Einsteinian canine skills. 

Well, while it's still the ZERO PERCENT, I'm heading outside to listen to more birds and enjoy this much-welcomed dry spell.

Happy Thursday.  

1 comment:

Dog run said...

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