Friday, April 13, 2012

Stellar Morning

This is the day the Lord has made!  Let us rejoice and be glad!

I'll go along with all three.
I rejoiced gladly throughout my morning stroll in the fields and the woods. 
We wait a long time for spring mornings like this, and when they come, we can't quite describe the intensity of just how good it feels in our souls.

This may be Friday, the 13, and the electricity might have gone off briefly a few minutes ago, but supreme optimism in the morning air makes this a "good luck" day, at least for now.

Maybe I'll have good luck finishing my garden fence.
I don't know much about fencing, but I also don't want to pay through the nose to have someone who does know about fencing to construct the boundaries around my garden.
So, I went to the store to get supplies yesterday morning.  
One store advertised cherry posts for $1.97, so I went there. 
Driving the big "H" cart to the spot where the posts were supposed to be, I ran into a former student who works there.
"Where are the cherry landscaping posts?" I asked. 
"Well, I don't think we have any," she said. "They're supposed to come in soon."
We walked to the display for cherry landscaping posts.
"How can they advertise these things and not have them," I asked.
She was as dumbfounded as I, assuring me they might "arrive today." 
Well, once I get something in my noggin, I want to get at it.
So, I went to another store where they had ten cherry posts, albeit a bit more expensive, but ten cherry posts in hand is better that none on a display rack. 
So, I bought my cherry posts, 14 green metal decorative posts and three packs of decorative woven wire all in one stop.

Then, I spent the better part of the day, scoping out what to do.  
I measured several times only to have the length between my survey sticks keep changing.
Why does that happen?

I dug two fence post holes----have six more to do, considering the braces on the corners.
Maybe the fence will be done today; maybe not.
Bill may have to help me hang the woven wire, cuz I'm sure I can make a mess out of that. 
While all this was happening, grass was turning greener, soil was warming and little veggie and flower starts were springing upward in the greenhouse.  
Four dog supervisors watched as I worked and seemed to approve of everything.
When Bill came home, I asked him what looked wrong with the fence.
He had nothing to report---thankfully.
I'd ask him to do the fence, but all his work during retirement is just getting in the way.
Spring was convincing enough yesterday to entice me into putting pansies in pots, some next to pots where last year's pansies actually made it through the winter.
So, the color is coming on strong as are the good moods. 
With luck, it will remain a stellar day in April, and a good time will be had by all.
Happy Friday. 

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