Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good Day in the Neighborhood

The morning got off to a fabulous start for me when I went directly from bed to the computer to search for election results. 

Almost all my candidates won in yesterday's primary races.

Our three incumbent legislators won by substantial margins, with the lowest percentage 60-plus to Eric Anderson, who faced two opponents rather than one.  

So, congratulations to these folks who endured some really nasty, below-the-belt campaign ads, funded by big money.  

Their character and continued solid representation of their constituents won out.

My comment to Avista---a comment which mysteriously got erased on a Facebook post this past weekend:  You may supply power for a price, but the power of the people is what counts.

It counted yesterday.

So,  I think "the people" in general may be a lot happier this morning than the "power company," which, according to news reports, launched a campaign against some of these candidates.

Keep supporting that wind energy, George!

I must also mention the nasty telephone campaigning leading up to yesterday's election.  

The nastier and more ridiculous it got, the more emboldened I felt to vote for these people who have served their constituency well and as effectively as possible in the midst of a dysfunctional situation.

Anyway, our local campaigns are over for a while, and the phone should stop ringing so often. 

I did pick it up twice yesterday when unfamiliar numbers appeared in the Caller ID.  

In one case, I was glad.

Direct TV was calling me to apologize for billing me for four TVs for the past four months.
When we converted to HD-TV, someone forgot to erase the original TV input from our bill. 

The gentleman was very nice, very apologetic and cordial.  I thanked him and felt good that the company wanted to do what was right.  Sometimes that's a refreshing feeling.

I also received a call from someone wanting to know if I would take a survey about recycling.  


She got the message and said, "Thank you." 

Anyway, it's a good day because the bulk of the mail and the telephone activity should lighten up for a while.  

This morning is not a good day for Foster, but it should be in the long run.  We've been careful to avoid discussing the details in his presence.  So, please help me keep my secret.

He'll know a little later anyway.

Some people call it "clip and snip" day at Center Valley Veterinary Hospital.   Some call it neutering.

Poor little guy is wondering why nobody is feeding him this morning.  I'm guessing he'll be ready for a big meal of puppy chow when I pick him up late this afternoon. 

And, I'll be glad when it's over.  

Foster can move on with his life.  His breeder Amy from Wild Horse Aussies in Oakville, WA.,  will send us his registration papers, and we'll not have to worry about him wandering the neighborhood in search of  . . . well, you know.

Speaking of Foster, I must leave you today with a link.  My photographically gifted sister Barbara has posted the most wonderful portrait of Foster on her Flickr page.

If you want to experience a truly heart-warming moment, check it out and her adorable Mother's Day card just below Foster's picture:

May you all have a good day in your neighborhood.   Happy Wednesday.

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