Friday, July 20, 2012

Evening Scenes in Gold 'n Grouse Country

Shortly after dinner last night, Bill took off with his fishing gear, bound for Grouse Creek.  A few minutes later, I loaded up dogs and my camera and headed the same way.  

My hope was to capture some early evening sunlight/shadows scenes.  Well, the sunlight was pretty much blocked off by some clouds.

Still, the trip netted some expected results:  an hour's worth of refreshing air conditioning on a sultry night and some lovely pastoral scenes.

It's hard to tell when you're leaving Grouse Creek and entering into Gold Creek country, 'cept for the road signs.  That doesn't matter, though.  Both have more than their share of history and beautiful farm settings. 

I read somewhere the other day that the Gold 'n Grouse 4-H Club is having an 89th birthday celebration at the fairgrounds.

Now, there's a club with some history.  

Mailboxes in Gold 'n Grouse country feature oodles of names like Westfall, McNall, Wood, Albertson, Sylvester, etc. 

And, I'm betting that some or all of those families have at sometime belonged to the Gold 'n Grouse 4-H Club. 

These folks have history for putting in long hours working their farmland.  And, I'm sure that these days many are waiting for three or four dry days in a row to harvest their hay.

Looks like the Albertsons may have beaten the rainstorms with their big bales.  

Plus, their farm efforts resulted in some rather artistic summer scenes for a lady driving through the area with her dogs and her camera.

The deer weren't shy about having their photos snapped last night either.  Selle, Grouse and Gold Creek country serve as summer homes for a large population of deer.

So, it's hard NOT to find them for a photograph.  As many as we see on any given day and as many gardens as they devour, we still love to behold their beauty. 

This morning, upon learning of one more horrific scene in Colorado, I cherish the peace and tranquility of last evening's drive through Gold 'n Grouse country all the more.

Seems like the folks of Colorado have suffered more than enough tragedy this year.  My heart goes out all who have lost so much through forest fires and last night's theater shooting. 

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