Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday Slight

"HUGE storm blew threw earlier and knocked down lines, broke poles and crossarms, lines in the trees....what a mess! From Priest Lake to Bull River...."just a lil micro burst"! gonna be a REALLY LONG night!"
The comment above is just one person's take, via Facebook,  on the wild and woolly night we've experienced. She works for a power company, so she ought to know.
It was a "short" night here in the sleep department.  No way to get away from the "warmth," even with three fans going. 
I saw on the weather report that our low for the night would be 67, and I cringed.  After all, we've been dealing with mid-60 lows all week.  And, this is country where most homes don't have air conditioning.
I finally drifted off for a short, somewhat restless nap sometime after 1 a.m. and awakened about 4:15.  
The good part about all the action---thunder, lightning, rain is that the gardens won't need watering this morning.  
I have to leave around 7 for the horse show, and I'm wondering if the chair in the announcer's stand got drenched last night.  Sitting on a wet chair might feel good because, in spite of the rain, it's still very warm.
At least, we may not have to encounter too much dust, and maybe the bees will hang out somewhere else besides the booth today.
I think the show will be fun today.  
Helped my sister put up her canopy tent yesterday.  She's planning for comfort during this horse show---the tent will provide shade for the pups and their peeps while the travel trailer will offer some real air conditioning and a refrigerator. 
Could be if it continues to rain, she and my other sister will spend some time inside the trailer in between classes. 
Last night when we went to dinner at Mick Duffs, we met some other horse show regulars who drive up each year from Connell.  The youngest of their three daughters has won the belt buckle our family sponsors honoring our dad, Harold Tibbs.
This year the eighth such buckle will go to someone at the end of this weekend's show---whoever rides the  "Most Versatile Horse."  
Anyway, a busy day lies ahead, and the short night's sleep will add to the challenge.  
Off to the horse show .  
This morning I'll sign off with a question:  Two weeks after the big celebration for completion of  Sandpoint's 100-million-dollar-road project, does anyone know when the Byway will open?  
Hope I don't have to ask too many times.
Maybe there needs to be another better celebration when it really opens. . 
Happy Saturday to all.  

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

Remember the sign out in Sagle, in the field on the left as you were coming into town? It has a sign in the middle of the field for years.. GOLF COURSE COMING SOON... sometimes it was under water... well, that is the bypass.. COMING SOON... lol... but legally they have until Sept. and it is starting to look like that might be it.