Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday Twitterdeedum

A three-layer day this morning.  I tried for two but went back to the house to get my fleece.  

I'm guessing Fall is hanging out there at the door, sending blasts of cold morning air and waiting to get in to stay a while.

We don't mind Fall here in North Idaho one bit.  

The only thing we mind are those blasts of COLD air flung at us when we're not quite ready for the 'maters, beans, and other garden goodies to become collateral damage to Fall's assault.  

It's terrible,  nurturing all that stuff along to the point of almost tasting it, only to see it wilt, turn brown and slouch to the ground.

So, I'm hoping Fall doesn't get too impatient while waiting at the door this year.

In my mind, fall is the best time of the year, especially if the weather cooperates.  

It's the season with daytime temps pleasant enough for horseback rides and most recreational spots nearly empty for loners like me to enjoy the solitude and the beauty.

~~~~On this Tuesday morning I read in the headlines that a Squatcher got killed over by Kalispell.  He was hit by a car and then another.   

Sometimes squatching can make people do strange things.  

In this case, an individual wanted so much for someone to report squatch sightings that he dressed up like Bigfoot and got out there on a busy road on a dark night. 

Not a wise choice.

Now, I don't think anyone in my family---and we've got a few squatchers---would resort to such a ruse.  One did, years ago, cut out some big wooden feet that could be attached to one's regular feet.

He walked all around a neighbor's house and left definite tracks, leading the neighbors who had moved west from Long Island, to believe that Bigfoot had actually paid a visit.

But to dress up as Bigfoot and stand in the road on a dark night, I think our family members would use more common sense.  I hope anyway!

Not to make light of the person's death, but I'm wondering what kind of remarks will be made at his memorial service.

~~~~My brother Mike is here for a couple of days.  He's out there in his travel trailer probably doing his morning Internet communications as I type. 

He's going to Coeur d'Alene tonight to an open house where his grandchildren, the triplets, are attending school.

The mention of school brings to mind that today is my last day as a three-dog mom.  Starting tomorrow, I'll be a three-dog mom and a two-dog grandma again for nine months. 

Willie and my sisters have to report for duty tomorrow as the teachers have all their preliminary gatherings before greeting their students next Tuesday.

Actually, Willie's been greeting students for most of the summer.  His Cedar Post staff is putting out a first-day edition.  So, they've been writing stories, selling ads and taking pictures.  

He also set up the school's Facebook page and Twitter account, and until a student takes on the job, he'll be sending out information about Sandpoint High School activities.  

If you're on Facebook and want to know what's going on at the high school, you can "like" the Sandpoint High School at http://www.facebook.com/SandpointHighSchool

And, you need to use that link because several other Sandpoint High School pages exist.  The link takes you to the newest one.  

Willie has a busy week because he'll be headed to Moscow Thursday to cover the Idaho Vandal football opener for the Idaho Press Tribune.

Another school year will soon begin, and many family members will seldom have a chance to come up for air.  

They all work hard and do well at their respective positions.  I am proud of each of them. 

Gosh, they're all former students of mine too.  That makes me even prouder.

I'll take this time to wish all the teachers, locally and throughout the nation, a great year with your students.  You certainly do make "all the difference" in many young people's lives, and you are appreciated.

On that note, I'll sign off and face the day.  Happy Tuesday. 


Anonymous said...

After waiting almost a year, we finally had a BLT with home grown tomatoes and corn on the cob from the garden for dinner last night. Definitely NOT ready for the garden to freeze.

MLove said...

Yum, sounds good.