Monday, September 03, 2012

Monte Cristo Hike

There was no shortage of eye candy on our hike to the historic mining town of Monte Cristo yesterday.  Plus, we took in a little history.  And, I added a couple of blisters during the 8 miles trek.

We, in Idaho, are amazed at the numbers of hikers we see on Western Washington trails.  When you're trying to find a parking space as opposed to complaining cuz one other car is parked at your trailhead, you notice a difference.

It was a gentle and boulevard-style trail, though, which did not bother me.  We saw gorgeous Cascade Mountain peaks, crystal clear water in the Sauk River, a lovely waterfall and enchanting forests.

Plus, we found a geocache in Monte Cristo, placed in 2000, back in the infancy of geocaching and put there by one of the Groundspeak, Inc., founders.

Twas a great day, topped off by a wonderful dinner at Fred's Riverston Ale House in downtown Snohomish.

We'll take in Boston Red Sox-Seattle Mariner baseball this afternoon and then head back to Idaho.   

I'm loving my birthday-gift weekend.  Thanks again to the Love clan for making it happen.

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