Monday, September 17, 2012

No Slowin' Down . . . .

I've said it so many times it's become cliche:  when things slow down a bit, we'll get together or I'll give you a call or I'll participate in your activity.  

That promise has been uttered for months or years with some of my longtime friends.

Welcome to another "A-HA" moment.  Things never seem to slow down.  I fear I may never enjoy that leisurely glass of wine with my friend Ann or catch up on the three years of birthday lunches with my friend Helen.  

Etc. Etc. Etc. 

Recently, I've also been using a relatively new excuse sentence:  life got in the way.

I still kinda like the ring to that one, but it soon will turn cliche too. 

Life does get in the way of a lot of our social plans, but I'm actually not complaining about the situation during this year's beautiful month of September.

We've been blessed with such pleasant and wonderful days that I've been able to speed through projects which would normally take weeks, maybe even months.

It's amazing what good weather can do for easing up those "to do's." 

For example, let's take the north garden fence.  I almost entertained the idea of hiring someone to dismantle it cuz I thought I'd probably get started and never finish.

Turns out it's done and the project was actually kinda fun.

I spent several hours this weekend, removing hundreds of baby staples with the fence pliers.   I also removed sections of woven wire, folding them up in readiment for Idaho Hide and Steel.

The project also involved pulling posts from the ground.  Once Bill did a few and suggested using water to loosen their bases, I found them easy to remove.

The great reward when each section of the fence came down was mowing the tall grass which had grown an ugly, scraggly border along the fenceline.  

I LOVE moments when a yard instantly transforms a scuzzy-looking scene into an esthetic delight. 

The north lawn looks pretty nice now, with only the clump of raspberry bushes left standing in the former garden enclosure.  As I said earlier, the discovery of lakes lasting until June over the past couple of years precipitated the dismantling project.  

That's done.

The box stalls in the barn are almost finished----just some more cutting of mats to fit into various-sized gaps left after full-sized mats were brought in.  

The dog shelter now has a couple of beams in the middle providing a pitch to the tarp roof so water will slide off rather than forming weighty lakes.

I'm planning to build up the interior base with some sand and maybe drag in a rubber mat or two so they'll be up and out of the wet and lying in relative comfort when moist days return.

Today the chimmney sweep comes.  That's Bill's department.  I always get a little testy when the guy calls up during busy July and wants to sweep our chimney for winter.

After all, we've just gotten over the winter mentality, and I don't want to be reminded.  So, he's coming today. 

I still have some lawn to mow today.  It's nice that the yard finally stays rather respectable looking for a week rather than just two days.   Maybe only a couple more mowings after today.

This week my sister and brother Kevin head to Nampa for the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals:

Laurie will be riding Mani in four or five classes Wednesday through Saturday.  

The number of events actually depends on her qualifying classes and IF she makes the cut.   

She's been working hard for this competition ever since the doctor gave her the okay back in early August to put away the crutches and the boot from her broken ankle.  

So, we're hoping for some good rides for the two this week.   Laurie says some of the Nationals may be live stream on the Internet.  I'll find out the schedule of her classes and post that tomorrow.  

This is also the week of the International Draft Horse and Mule Show.  

And, that's one reason, I'm not slowing down during the early part of the week.  We're supposed to be back in the 90s by Wednesday, and that will be a good reason to kick back and sit on some bleachers watching those magnificent teams show their power and magic.

I never tire of seeing them.

Anyway, lots going on, so I'll wish everyone a good week and head outside.

Happy Monday.   Maybe one of these days those much anticipated lunches and glasses of wine will happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the satisfaction - wonderful moment - and lasting, too!
