Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Sundries

"This storm has ruined my plans to see some naked men."

Yup, it sounds as if Hurricane Sandy is gonna pack a wallop on a lot of East Coasters' plans this week.

When I saw the above quote on Facebook, I resorted to one of my new strategies:  don't ask any questions cuz you already know more than you really wanted to know.

That happens occasionally on Facebook.  I'm amazed sometimes at what people will share with the world.

Anyway, it's become evident that Sandy, the Storm, is definitely going to impact the news this week.  

I can't wait for yet another round of television footage featuring reporters,  standing out there at a slant in the rain and the wind just to show us "skeptics" that the weather sure is crazy out there.

I'm hoping none of them end up being naked men.

Here on the West Coast, we had an earthquake last night.  I must have been too involved in punching my remote between Channels 4, 6 and 28 to notice.

I remained on the edge of my seat for a couple of hours but fortunately never fell off while watching and hoping my three teams would win.

They did.  All three.  Great night of sports.  Yay, ZAGS, IRISH AND GIANTS!

Later, I learned about the earthquake.  Someone from Sandpoint reported to Facebook that their chandeliers had swayed.  Someone else said the lights at the hospital blinked.  

So, I guess we had a little earth moving under us, but it must have been pretty minor.  It was good this morning to read that the folks in Hawaii called off the tsunami warnings. 

Our weather looks pretty consistent for the next few days---gloomy and rainy.  

I've been making minor adjustments in my schedule to put off the annual seasonal grumpy gripefest as long as possible.  

For example, the other day I mowed---with the lawnmower---a path around one of our fields----the purpose:  to provide me more walking trails (where my pant legs don't get wet up to my knees) in semi-lit-up spots.  

I just can't give up my morning walks, and even though box stall cleaning will start next week, I'd like to continue the early morning jaunts----in a safe place.

We have a yard light at the end of the lane, so the field next to it will provide me a good area for walking---until snow flies, that is. 

With yesterday's drizzle, I headed to town to join my friends at the coffee cult.  

It had been months---even years since I'd seen some of the group.  So, that made for some nice visiting on a rainy morning.

Then, it was home for some cookie baking and for dumping cooked apples into the jelly bag.

I also visited my sisters, and we laughed for most of the visit while watching the pups romp around their living room.

So, with the sporting events, visits and domestic stuff, I handled yesterday's rainy day pretty well. 

Let's see.  This is Oct. 28, and we have yet to turn down our daylight.  I think that comes next week.  Maybe the rain will stop by then.

Anyway, I'm working at projects to make these months sail by better than past years.  

Heck, I'm even entertaining the idea of purchasing a banjo and learning how to pick.  

People tell me that tone deafness does not necessarily affect banjo pickers.  My sister did, however,  remind me that lack of coordination might.

Just like the quote about the absence of naked men on the East Coast during the storm named Sandy, I did not ask any more questions of my sister.

She may have told me more than I wanted to know----like, "Marianne, you're not coordinated."

Happy Sunday.  Go Seahawks!

1 comment:

your sister said...

Perhaps if you have the coordination to type, you have the coordination to play the banjo. Or Maybe playing the banjo can improve your coordination.