Tuesday, November 06, 2012
A Great American Ritual . . . .
I saw Mary Taylor on her way to work this morning. With extra daylight in the morning hours, I'm back walking down our dirt road.
It was about 6:30 when Mary, who lives across the road, drove past me, heading north.
I knew her route and knew what she'd be doing at her "job" today.
She would turn right on Center Valley Road, then left on North Center Valley Road and finally right on Colburn-Culver.
After a two-three miles, she'd turn into the parking lot at the Northside Christian Fellowship Church. She'll spend the day, probably a long day.
For years, Mary has worked elections for our voting precinct, among her many other community services.
People like Mary earn their hero stripes on Election Day, I believe. They take their individual jobs very seriously, doing their best to ensure that our election results are accurate.
I'm sure the long hours reap rewards for these dedicated workers as folks from throughout the precinct area file in, exchange pleasantries and step inside the polling booth to exercise their American right to vote.
Going to the precinct voting venue has its nostalgia. In fact, it took me a while to get used to the fact that I would no longer go to the Bonner County Extension office after we moved to Selle six years ago.
No Finney family members from North North Boyer. I kinda miss seeing them and visiting with them.
But the folks out here in Selle made it an easy transition.
I think they know Bill and Marianne Love's patterns by now.
Marianne shows up soon after the polls open, while Bill barely makes it in the door before they close. I think he has a motive---maybe he can talk to the election workers longer cuz the rush from the day time voters has died down.
Bill said this morning before going out the door, "It will be all over by the time I vote."
I corrected him, knowing he was mostly correct.
"Nope, you've got those education-reform Propositions to vote on and those county offices," I reminded him.
Regardless of our timing, regardless of how we mark our boxes on the ballots, regardless of when we vote via paper or electronically, we Americans can probably find agreement on one item.
Exercising our right to "speak our mind" on the ballot is truly a great American ritual.
Kinda fun too!
No matter who or what wins in today's balloting, we probably also agree that it will be nice to say good bye to those irritating political ads----for a few days, at least.
Happy Election Day.
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