Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Keep Your Nose Clean . . . .

Harold (our dad), we've all been doing our best to follow your words of general life advice---among the last you shared with us nine years ago.

On this anniversary of your passing, we hope you are looking down upon your family and that you are generally proud of those you left here on Earth to live their lives to the fullest and the best as you did yours.

Your example and those daily wise reminders still drive us through each of our days, no matter where we happen to be.

You will never be forgotten, and we shall continue to strive to keep our noses clean.

Also, on this day before Thanksgiving, I'd like to issue a plug for my sister Barbara's yearbook class.

They're using their photographic skills to raise money for their trip to next spring's JEA national convention.

So, here's some information for folks to keep in mind as they get together with family or while filling their gas tanks at Schweitzer Conoco.

At the counter in the Schweitzer Conoco convenience store (HWY 95--Schweitzer Cut-off Road), there's a box of colorful suckers.

I think they sell for a dollar apiece.  Profits go to Monticola, so pick up a few and use them for stocking stuffers.  The yearbook kids will love you.

And, here's a date to keep in mind:  Saturday, Dec. 1.

Monticola staff members, including last year's JEA National  "superior" award-winning photographer, will be taking family and pet portraits at Sandpoint High School. 

Quality portrait settings and oodles of poses are awaiting all those families, couples, dog owners/masters who sign up.

So, check out the photo below (click on photo once for a larger view), and reserve a time slot soon.  I heard via my sister that people are already taking up the slots. 

This is a great way to support the yearbook students, and from past experience, I can tell you that it's a lot of fun. 

Guess that's all for today; I have several household and around-town errands before taking off for Spokane to pick up Annie---which marks the official start to our holiday weekend. 

Happy Wednesday, and do keep your nose clean.  My dad will smile. 

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