Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday Slight

In the next couple of hours, I'll probably be snapping photos of scenes similar to the one above, taken at last year's Mennonite Craft Sale north of Bonner's Ferry.

It's a fun event, filled with vignettes of  Mennonite culture and talent.  

I'll, for sure, pass today on sitting at a table to enjoy a full Dutch-oven meal----ribs, cornbread, potatoes and cobbler---because Bill and I will be attending an end-of-the-season dinner party tonight.

I figure two full meals like that in one day could tip the scales in a very bad way.  So, temptation will have to sit by the door during the visit.

That's not gonna stop me from loading up on baked goods, though.  I'll probably bring home a pie or two, some loaves of bread and maybe another container of that delicious Amish peanut butter. 

Then, it will be back to Sandpoint for a visit with my mother.  She has gone through some tough times for the past couple of weeks, but the miracle of modern meds turned the tables in a very positive and dramatic way yesterday.

Several family members and a good friend enjoyed some nice visits and laughs aplenty with her.  We're hoping for many more, and we are all very thankful for these special moments.

I'm also thankful this morning after reading a story on the front page of our local newspaper about our friends,  Mindy Cameron and her husband Bill Berg.

They survived a close brush with death this week after being overcome with carbon monoxide poisoning.  

According to the article, it took just 30 minutes for Mindy to pass out after they entered their home from a three-day trip.

Bill lost consciousness while calling 911.  

This couple does SO much for our community, especially its school system where Mindy serves on the Board of Trustees.  What a loss it could have been, not only to their many friends but also the community.

The article about their experience emphasizes the need for a carbon monoxide detector in every house.  I think we're gonna make a purchase.

In the meantime, we're thankful to read that their story had a happy ending. 

Yesterday's good news day for us had a happy ending as we dined and enjoyed visiting with a lot of good, longtime friends at Laclede's Klondyke----home of the best prime rib dinner around. 

My brother Mike, my two sisters, Willie and Bill and I felt fortunate to find a table and thoroughly enjoyed our delectable and sumptuous dinners.  

The place has a very justified fine reputation for its meals.  Twas a good time.

Well, I'm thinking about all those long tables lined with fresh-baked bread, so I'd better get on with the day.

Happy Saturday. 

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