Friday, December 07, 2012

Day of Snow and Remembering Infamy

It is snowing lightly outside.  Our promised inch more than delivered throughout the day and overnight.

At least it's cooled off enough to avoid any more slop.  

The air was "blue," as my dad would say, several times last night when I'd sit down upstairs at the computer, discover that the Internet was not working, trudge downstairs, put on my boots, go outside, climb the ladder with a mop in hand, clean the damn dish off, come back upstairs, sit down, surf for a few minutes, only to have the Internet disappear again . . . .

. . . .the process and the cussing repeated themselves at least half a dozen times.

I've heard the remedies for avoiding snow on the satellite dishes, but I've also heard the warnings about using the remedies, so I must confess to remaining a "do nothinger."

About the fifth time of repeating the above-mentioned cycle, I wrote a note to the gentleman in charge of my Internet, asking what the wisest move would be.

He said a garbage sack, if wrapped tightly, could keep snow off the dish.  He didn't explain if I'd still be getting coverage.

He also said I could purchase a dish heater for $99.   It plugs into an outlet and heats up when weather cools off, melting the ice and snow. 

So, I've got options to consider.  For now, the cussing and trudging doesn't cost anything, so I might stick with that for a while.

This December 7 marks the 71st year since the "Day of Infamy."  I do not remember it because, although old, I'm still young in comparison to the ever-dwindling populations of folks who do remember the day as if it were yesterday.

Earlier this week, I received a note from my friend and SHS instructor John Nitcy.  His news: he has started a new club at Sandpoint High School called "Honor Flight Club."

John was wondering about a gentleman whom I'd mentioned to him a while back.  The man, a WWII veteran, had grown up in Honolulu and was actually in his hometown on Pearl Harbor day, 1941. 

Sadly, I had to tell John, who wanted to send him an Honor Flight application,  that this gentleman had since passed on.

Apparently, John's group of students is engaged in finding WWII veterans who may be interested in participating in the Inland Northwest Honor Flight program, which offers fully funded flights (through donations) for these vets to visit the WWII museum in Washington, D.C.

So, if anyone reading today knows of someone in the area who may be eligible and able, you can contact John by calling him at Sandpoint High School or sending him an email at  

Don't hesitate because, as we are seeing, the opportunities for this wonderful experience for these people will continue to diminish. 

On this day, I'd like to welcome Alvaro to my list of blog readers.  I received a note from him a few days ago on Facebook, indicating he'd like to work on his English.

Alvaro lives in Spain---Madrid, to be exact.  He also geocaches, and he knows Annie.  They connected this summer in Portugal at the European Geocoinfest.

Anyway, I suggested that he start reading my blog, since he knows a family member and the daily reading can enhance his English.  I hope it will, anyway.

Today Alvaro featured a photo of some delicious-looking salad on his Facebook wall:  prawns, jabugo ham and lovely looking lettuce.

I look forward to learning more about Spanish culture through my connection with Alvaro and I'm thrilled that he'll be checking in on the blog. 

And, with that, it's time to get busy with the day's projects----more Christmas cards and all that holiday-oriented stuff.

Happy Friday. 

Note:  First avalanche-prevention blasts of the seasons just heard from Schweitzer; must be a lot of snow up there this morning. 


Anonymous said...

You will have to stop using "cuz" for Alvaro - that could really mess him up.

Anonymous said...

Si Alvaro realmente quiere aprender el inglés como hablado por los norteamericanos, está bien de utilizar palabras como porque tales palabras representan la lengua vernacular.

MLove said...

Vernacular has its place with a country hick, just as it probably does in Spain.

I think Alvaro will survive! :)