Sunday, December 23, 2012

Seasonal Scenes

It's not very pretty outside here this morning, but there were some nice pictures on Facebook.  So, I took the liberty since someone else probably borrowed too.

The Clydesdale hitch above could conceivably be seen in our neighborhood because the magnificent Parnell Ranch just past the Selle Road curve has pastures occupied by several beautiful giant horses.

And, I've heard that some of those horses have a direct connection with those associated with Budweiser hitches.  So, close enough.

As for the second borrowed photo, I noticed that the Photoshop work on the Border Collie cut-outs could use a little polish.  Still, this image fits closely enough with scenes around the Lovestead.  We just don't have a fireplace.

I was wishing I had a camera and the photographic know-how this morning to snap some good shots of our three pups, frolicking in the hay while I was cleaning horse stalls.

They gather every morning---with a coffee can, of course---and do their thing while I do mine.

Christmas scenes are upon us----the cookie plates, the gifts starting to appear under the tree and the wonderful faces of family starting to show up for the annual holiday celebration.

We've got a string of folks yet to come, most of them showing up tomorrow. 

I saw a winter storm advisory, set for this evening through tomorrow morning, but Bill and I will make sure that one of our vehicles is on the road to pick up Precious aka Annie just before noon.

Lots of fun ahead and maybe even some real photos.  So, stay tuned.

Happy Sunday and best wishes as this holiday time continues to unfold.

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