Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Slight

Twas just a beautiful day yesterday.  The doggies and I went for a couple of snowshoeing trips in the woods and the fields.  I took my camera along, of course.

The dogs love the snow, and sometimes they like to hitch a free ride.

It's not easy lifting a snowshoe from the trail with a dog holding on to the back end.  As long as I don't fall down, I don't complain too much, though. 

I caught a shot of Kiwi and Brooke, which is quite a common scene.  Long ago, Kiwi picked Brooke as the dog she loves to herd.  

And, the Border Collie eye?  Well, Kiwi keeps her eyes peeled to Brooke, every step of the way.  

In this shot, as an old drill team adviser, I was tempted to yell "Smile," since the two ladies were stepping in unison. 

Anyway, we've begun our run of gorgeous weather, and yesterday provided some great outdoor opportunities without a lot of the usual work associated with winter.  So, I enjoyed the day.

Gotta brag about my daughter this morning.  As many of you know, Annie is a very talented young lady and quite the traveler.

Only problem is----she may not be traveling this month to enjoy a sample of her photography which is being enjoyed by hundreds of folks high in the sky.

In January's Alaskan Airlines magazine, Annie has earned a credit for a photograph taken of her bosses at Groundspeak, Inc.  

The magazine includes a feature story about the company, and accompanying photos.  So, if anyone out there is traveling via Alaskan Airlines this month, be sure to look for Annie's photo credit.  

I was tempted to book a flight somewhere just so I could sit upclose and personal with passengers, and, as a proud mama, point out the photo and say, "That's my daughter."  

Heckuva reason to book a flight, but often in January,  folks in this region don't need much in the way of motives. 

For now, with the weather the way it is, I'm happy to stay home and enjoy the outdoors in beautiful North Idaho. 

Still waiting to see how Willie's JV team did last night in Bonners Ferry.  

They resumed their schedule this week, traveling to Kellogg and winning their game.  A good feeling after several losses during the holiday break to some tough competition.

If all goes right, I might get to see some of his game vs Moscow this afternoon.  

Lots going on, and time to get in there for some more plucking, strumming and grimacing. I'm looking forward to the day when I can pluck, strum and grin!

Happy Saturday. 

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