Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Slight

I can hear the blasts up at Schweitzer.  All that wet weather must have created some avalanche conditions up there overnight.

Looks like a much improved day today.  I did walk---very carefully---down South Center Valley Road this morning and welcomed the relative ease of stepping onto  Selle Road's dry pavement.  

Then, on the return trip, increasing daylight helped me figure out where to take the safe steps.  The road is mainly a mass of ice with water on it----very, very slippery. 

Just a few days left of January.  Bill and I agree that it's one of the toughest, longest months of the year, but we've breezed through it with less complaining than usual. 

Yesterday matched up with other days of January ugliness that we've endured in the past. Fog, gloom, slop, and generally a miserable scene----but it lasted only a day.

And, it was a good day for Bill cuz he was miserable with his flu, and he slept almost all day---'cept for that hour or so when he came out to the living room and found a replay of the Gonzaga-BYU game.  

After feeling confident that Gonzaga did, indeed, play a fine game, he retired to the bedroom and was not heard from again until this morning.

He figured this morning that he had slept almost 36 hours nonstop.  And, as I said, yesterday was a good day to take a break from life outside. 

He seems to be on the mend this morning. 

I always like to promote neat things that I see locally.  This morning, Randy Wilhelm, one of my former English students, and an occasionally colleague professionally, has launched a website of his artwork.  

Randy teaches at Lake Pend Oreille High School.  He's a full-fledged local, having grown up on North Boyer, just north of the old Lincoln School where he now works. 

Anyway, I took a peek at his website and LOVED the paintings---many of which depict beloved scenes, past and present, around Sandpoint. 

So, I'll wrap up today, suggesting that you take time to check it out.  I think you'll like his work.

Happy Saturday.  GO ZAGS!

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