Saturday, March 30, 2013

Deck Party at the Lovestead!!!

It's a morning of mixed perspectives as the last of the snow may melt away today and give way to green grass, posies and spring. 

I think, to celebrate spring, we're going to plan a deck party.  Bring your skate or roller blades and plan for a good time. 

No wine or beer this time.  

After all, we do worry about liability, but I'm guessing a good time could be had by all, if they don't die laughing when they show up or die before it's over.

We'll supply release forms to be signed by all brave souls who would like to take part in this rockin', rollin' good time.  

And, for special entertainment, we'll have a special take-off on "Dancing with the Stars" where guests can show their moves on the deck to Frankie Laine's classic.   We'll have a whip to snap and maybe even a rawhide rug or two. 

The best deck dancer will get to be first in line AND free admission to Demolition Day (yet to be announced) when we'll happily hand out personally autographed trex boards for anyone who wants to haul them away and stack them in a deck somewhere out of sight. 

We haven't set the date yet, but I'll probably put something on Facebook.  So, be on the lookout for a really fun time!

Other than that, happy Saturday. 


Anonymous said...

I thought that the Trex product was supposed to be virtulaly indestructible and last forever...?

MLove said...

I've heard that too, and I've also heard that it holds up pretty well if whoever builds the deck puts adequate support underneath.

You can be sure that our replacement will have adequate support.

Anonymous said...

We love our trex deck and are amazed at what happened to yours. Now I'm hoping we have adequate support under ours!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Leigh had the same thing happen to his. They are supposed to last forever! Might try getting in touch with the company.

Word Tosser said...

OH MY GOSH.. you get seasick just looking at it..