Sunday, April 07, 2013

Just Life and Times in Selle and the Season

Leader of the Pack
First daffodil to pop open at the Lovestead
I discovered it on the way back from my morning walk.  Let the daffodils bloom!

I've never yet figured out why ALL the oak leaves don't drop from the tree over the course of the winter.
The advantage is that we who carry cameras can fool people about the season.
Looks like a fall shot to me, but I took it last night after the rain stopped. 

I've walked past this scene along Selle Road twice this week and both times have wished that I had brought my camera.
Well, this morning, the camera went with me, specifically to capture this photo.
Can you tell I love rustic fences?

Certainly a scene worthy of reflection and action.
The levy vote passed last month, but I'm happy that these neighbors on North Kootenai Road have left us a reminder to reflect upon even when no election is coming up. 

Murray's farm along Selle and North Kootenai Road has that lovely,  pastoral feel, even on dreary spring mornings. 

This geranium, planted from seed last year, has a Jack-in-the-beanstalk look as it continues to grow upward and outward.  The first bloom popped open this week after I removed it from the garden window and placed it on a table near the sliding glass door.  When it's safe temperature-wise, I'll move the geranium outside. 

Part of this year's crop of geranium seedlings in the garden window.
 About 40 plants are working their way toward bigger pots and the greenhouse. 

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