Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Slight

Sometimes they say you ARE what you eat.  Well, I don't eat Border Collies, but I do love them.  And, now it's probably pretty obvious that I've gone to the dogs.

This is my Mother's Day present, Annie tells me.  I told Annie that Mother's Day is a long way off.

She said she wanted to see me wear my Mother's Day present, so I ARE.  

Who knows?  By afternoon, I may be wagging my tail and taking off at a dead run across the back lawn when someone hollars "Biscuit Time!  Biscuit Time!"  

If you see me in the dog run when you drive by, please come in and let me out.

Anyway, thanks Annie.  Mom Love loves her Border Collie Mom shirt. 

Well, on this morning after they finally caught the second Boston Marathon bomber, I must confess to being riveted throughout the day.  News junkies are that way.

It was good to have Sirius Radio for following the events all the way into Spokane when I picked up Annie.  Plus, the timing was good because, like everyone else fixated on the situation, I could finally take a breath just before Annie's plane touched down at 6 p.m.

This has been quite a week in so many ways to so many people, and I'm thrilled that the people in Boston can return to their everyday lives now that their reign of terror has ended. 

We also dealt with what could have been a heart-breaking situation this week---relatively speaking, that is.

Our Jonas Cat almost died.  He suddenly started appearing lethargic and not too interested in food or water, so I took him to the vet's on Wednesday. 

His temperature was 104 and he was severely dehydrated.

The veterinarian wanted to run a battery of tests on him and painted a pretty bleak picture, given the fact that Jonas had led his early life in a severe cat-hoarding situation.

She was afraid he may have a terminal disease called feline infectionous peritinosis.  

Thursday, however, she called and said she had been pleasantly surprised to learn that the tests for that disease and two other terminal possibilities had turned out negative.

Instead, Jonas had "bili-rubens" in his blood, a problem related to the liver.

So, in the past few days after receiving two units of fluids, some vitamins and antibiotics, our Jonas is looking pretty darned good.

We're hoping this is just an isolated situation and that he'll go on being the cool cat he is and best friend to Foster for years to come.

We're very thankful for the treatment he received and that his story has a happy ending. 

As mentioned, Annie's here for the weekend, and I've heard that geocaching may be on the agenda today.  Looks like a fairly decent day, so we'll be enjoying anything outdoors. 

We may even get to have a deck party tonight with my sisters.  

So, today is lookin' good, and I'm going to end it here but will be wearing my BC Mom shirt wherever I go today. 

Happy Saturday. 


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Thanks so much for taking good care of Jonas cat.

Word Tosser said...

You do not look like a happy camper in this picture.. hopefully by the end of the day you were ... lol