Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Selle Morning Glory

Sign of a good morning in Selle:  sunshine on my shoulder.

Still some shimmering as leaves continue to appear. 

Mary Taylor keeps a beautiful yard and a singing rooster. 

Off to work we go. 

North Idaho's version of Mt. Rainier:  Roman Nose in the Selkirks.

A signature Selle view with Schweitzer looking back. 

Life in the Birches

Yup, nice walk this morning.  It was especially nice because I could strut down the dirt road and turn on to the paved road with at a brisker pace than usual.  

Tennis-shoe walking beats barn-boot walking any day.

No more feeling of heavy clodhoppers.  Instead, the notion that jumping up and kicking my feet together wouldn't be such a bad idea----if nobody but the robins are looking, of course.

They were singing such pretty tunes this morning, probably providing a chorus to the steady and notable solo of Mary Taylor's rooster.

Speaking of roosters, I met our new neighbors yesterday.  No, they don't crow out loud sounds in the morning.  They have chickens.

They wanted to live on a dirt road.  That pronouncement was a good sign to me.  I figure dirt-road fans are okay. 

Anyway, it was fun to chat with Cory and her son.  Her hubby Ray is a clinical director at an area academy, and they're excited to enjoy life on their new farm.

I told Cory that since we Love's are no longer the "new kids on the block," we figured we have the right welcome them.  She thought that was okay too.

Living in Selle, as you can see, has its daily rewards.  This morning's walking adventure reaped several.  The sounds of spring and the workings of little creatures as they prepare for the season ahead provide some nice accessories to a physical workout for the old legs. 

Of course, there's also the constant reminder during my walking time of how fortunate I am to chart my own daily activities in comparison to those who have to go somewhere and be somewhere on time five days a week.

I do not take my retirement for granted and do appreciate this time of life where I can control my schedule to a certain extent and have time for enjoying the good life in Selle. 

Happy Tuesday. 

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