Saturday, June 01, 2013

Saturday Slight

I'm running late this morning, and my pant legs are soaked.  Took a different route on this lovely first Saturday in June.

Once again, it was time to explore another part of the neighborhood with my camera.  

By the way, the camera just came back from the cleaners, and those first two shots were taken in our yard last night.  

Missing an inanimate object is somewhat strange, but when that object gives me and others daily joy, I must say that I'm glad to have it back. 

Yesterday's photos came from the point-and-shoot, which has held up well over the years.  Only problem with it is that the window doesn't show me the photos, so I have to wait to download them to see if they're any good.

Anyway, I headed down Forest Siding Road and parked at the entrance to Spear Valley Estates. Not too many people have taken up residence in the estates, so the likelihood of seeing deer or other critters is pretty big.

None showed up during my walk, but I did get the pant legs wet, walking through tall grass to get some closer shots of the remains of an old structure which surely has a story-----and a few raspberry bushes.

Twenty years from now that area will probably be grown up and the old structure, gone.  This morning, though, things were pretty peaceful in the estates.

I also walked down the access area for the Union Pacific (formerly Spokane International) tracks.  Having lived near train tracks most of my life over there along the Great Northern, I felt a little nostalgia during that portion of the walk.

The railroad spikes scattered along the rock surface tempted me, but I remember lots of other railroad spikes from past times.  I collected them and painted them bright colors but didn't ever figure out any good use for them.

So, I left this morning's temptations behind.

Back in the car, I decided to drive down to Center Valley Road looking for pictures. A wonderful photo subject was walking down the road toward me:  Eva Whitehead.

My former geometry teacher and SHS colleague was taking the paper down to Jack Filipowski's. I heard she did that but have never known why.  Anyway, Eva's photo on that country road in her bright coat would have been great.

But Eva sometimes is shy about having her picture taken, so I just passed by and waved.  She smiled, waved and walked on.

Down on Center Valley Road, there's a new cow herd and some gorgeous new fencing that seems to go on and on.  I still haven't figured out who owns those cows, but they do have one unique gal among the herd.

I call her the Phantom of the Bovine Choir.  No, she didn't sing or moo, but she sure looks like she would be recognized on Broadway.

On my way back, Bert Wood's cow herd provided the perfect calendar shot for June 1 as they cavorted around their pasture on the Meserve Preserve.  

My final shot did not appear on any dirt road, but its meaning will reside deep within my heart.  Former students are sometimes SO thoughtful.  Thank you, Laurie B. for sharing your art talents.  

The Idaho collage is much appreciated, as was our wonderful visit with you and Jim last night at where else but SECOND AVENUE PIZZA!  Great evening. 

Oops, time's flying this morning, so I'd better post and get these wet pant legs outside. 

Happy Saturday.  Welcome June!


MsMerlina said...
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MsMerlina said...

Love those beautiful pics! Reminds me of our drive after visiting Sandpoint in June of last year when we drove along, seeing brilliant green pastures, lovely flowers and happy animals.

Marianne Love said...

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed them.