Friday, May 31, 2013

May Oh May, Gone So Soon!

We have reached the transition from lilacs to buttercups---and, oh, too soon.  I can't believe that we're already saying "Good bye" to May.

Such is the situation, and I must say, "May, you've been a good one."  

Which brings to mind the two young ladies whom I know named "April May."  Wonder how they feel this day rolls around.  

One is married, while the other lives in the neighborhood, and today I threw out my last May morning wave to April May as she drove by in her truck on her way to work.

This morning's photo collection shows another finished product not related to calendars.  That would be the shelter for Pasture No. 1.  

Many thanks to Amos who did a fine job on the structure and to Bill who spent last night sizing and nailing up boards behind the building to keep the horses in the pasture. 

Probably next week the boards will get their paint job.  For now, we "don't need no paint" to turn the horses out to their lush pasture.

This marks the first morning of no hay feeding before pasture time.  

When I finish my blog posting and other indoor projects, Lefty will leave the pasture and go back to the barnyard.

He's like Kea and a lot of other women, self included.  

No need for many calories.  Quick gainers.  

Now, if Lefty and Kea and some of the rest of us were of a bovine nature, we'd be prime candidates for anyone's cattle herd.

Anyway, Lefty will graze in limited fashion. 

In the meantime, our big lilac bushes near the road are putting on quite the show now, and the Iris are coming on, along with the lupine.  

Heck, this stuff usually happens in mid-June around here.  

I may have to go buy some blooming posies to keep the color show going around the place while while geraniums mature enough to put out their brilliance. 

On this morning's walk, I noticed that Elton Anderson's goose herd has moved closer to the road, so I caught a nice little goose step among the troops.  

In the meantime, one of Elton's  horses was taking a rest in a beautiful buttercup setting. 

May OH May, I have enjoyed you so much, but you went by too fast.  Hope June isn't in as big a hurry.  

Enjoy your Friday.

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