Thursday, May 30, 2013

Foster Tells All

I kinda feel like this expression indicates this morning, and I've got good reason
                                                                              -----Foster Love

It's been a while since I've posted on my mom's blog, but after the night I spent, I think she'll do anything to keep me happy.

Actually, I'm happy most of the time except when she leaves me in the house and goes off riding her horses, totally ignoring my screams and wailings and whines. 

I don't like being in the house all by myself.

After last night, I also know I don't like being OUT of the house all by myself.

Only problem is I was so scared I forgot to scream or wail or whine.

Here's what happened.  

My friends and I had spent most of yesterday afternoon in the dog run, which was okay cuz my mom went to town. 

After getting home, she let us out to play.  We played for a while with the big blue ball and some coffee cans.

Then, she put Todd and Brooke in the kennel for safe keeping.  You should see how mad she gets when Todd and Brooke sneak off and run away.  

She stops whatever she's doing and orders the rest of us---who've done nothing wrong---to "Report!"

That means "Go to the garage!  NOW!"  

We all waste no time running through the garage door; then she shuts it, and we can hear a few %##&&@* while she gets into the car and drives off.

She's usually gone for a while and eventually comes back.  Actually, Brooke comes back on her own after a few minutes of visiting the neighbors over on Selle Road with the Yaks.  

Todd, though----he kinda likes being chauffeured home, but he never lets on what direction he's going, so sometimes she's gone for a long time going down lots of roads. I think it takes more time cuz she visits a lot with whoever has retrieved Todd on his slight detour. 

Lately, that's been Janice up the road, and Todd really likes her.  Plus, my mom likes Janice, too, so they talk a long time while Todd lounges in the back seat of the car. 

When she comes back with Todd, he and his sister Brooke go in the outdoor kennel while we get to play. 

Actually, I don't mind the garage incarceration too much cuz my buddy Jonas, the cat, spends the day sleeping on the couch in there.  So, we get to have fun as friends.

Okay, back to my story:  so she put Todd and Brooke in the kennel yesterday afternoon and then went about her business transplanting tomatoes.  

Then, the heavy rain started.  So, we all moved into the garage, and we stayed there a long, long time cuz, as it turns out, both Willie and Debbie (Todd and Brooke's parents)  had meetings last night. 

So, Willie didn't come to get them until well after 8 p.m. 

By that time, I needed to go outside to do my business cuz of being in that garage so long.  I kept telling Mom by coming to the couch, giving her a look of urgency and then running to the sliding glass door.

She wouldn't let me out at first, informing me that I had to wait until Willie drove out of the driveway.  

When he did, she walked to the door and let me out.  Then, she went about her business. 

Well, her business must have taken a long, long time.  I don't know if it was the same business I was doing outside, but it sure must have distracted her from thinking about me.

She never came to let me in.  So, I ran around outside for a while.  I never did see her again last night, but I could see my dad in there watching the Mariners game and eating ice cream.

He was pretty focused on the game and probably pretty disappointed that the Mariners lost again.  

All of the sudden,  all the lights went out in the house AND they stayed out.  At first, I thought it might be a power outage, but later, I reasoned that Dad had gone to bed.  He always goes to bed later than my mom, and he always says "Good Night" to me.

Well, he forgot to say "Good Night."  Maybe it was cuz I wasn't there.  He didn't seem to think about the fact that I wasn't there.  He just went to bed.

I cannot begin to tell you how scared I was.  So scared I just ran around and around and around the house last night.  There was no place else to go cuz they keep the barn and the dog run closed at night-----to keep the wild critters out.

I thought about those wild critters a lot, so I just kept on running.  

And, you know those dreams that people have sometimes where they're trying to flee from a really scary situation, and they can't scream?

Well, I lived that dream last night.  My frazzled mind would not let me scream or whine or wail. So, my little legs had to do all the work-----for six hours.

Finally about 3 a.m., just as I ran past the sliding glass door, it opened.  

Since I still was so scared and could not wail or scream or whine, I could not sing the "Hallelujah Chorus," but I sure wanted to.

I've never been so glad to see my mom.  I could tell she felt really, really bad because she didn't even make me "Towel off."  I was wet and stinky, but she just petted me a lot and told me she was sorry and that I could sleep in today.

This morning I could use a bath and a lot more sleep, but I'm really relieved that I survived the night.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, they say.  

I feel like the strongest little mini Aussie in all the kingdom this morning.  

And, I'm feeling better about my night plight.  Mom and Dad have made a new rule this morning:  last one to bed makes sure Foster is there to say "Good Night." 

With that rule in force, I should have no more BAD NIGHTS.  And, for now, I'm headed back to sleep.

Have a nice Thursday,  and hug your doggies.

With regards,


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