Friday, August 23, 2013

Geocoins and Horse Shows

Special Edition Oktoberfest Geocoin (Annie) 

The official and original Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival celebrating beer held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Running from late September to the first weekend in October, it is one of the most famous events in Germany and is the world's largest fair. More than 6 million people from around the world attend the event every year.

At Geocaching HQ, we want to pay homage to the festival and all of the people who have enjoyed it in Munich and the many festivals it has inspired throughout the world with our Oktoberfest Geocoin!

We figured who better to model for the coin than 3 of our favorite Lackeys: Annie, Christy and Jenn! Pick your favorite or collect all three!


Looking for a gift for your favorite geocacher?   Well, the above coin featuring Annie Love of Groundspeak, Inc. is now available at the low, low price of $12.99.  Visit to learn more. 

Just thought I'd pitch that little promotion which appeared yesterday while our Annie aka Precious was traveling from Germany to France.  

She's attending the European GeoCoinfest in Prague soon, so I'm sure the promotion is centered around the event. 

Always something fun and exciting where that young lady and her colleagues are concerned.  I think I'll have to order my own Annie coin before they're all gone.

While Annie does her traveling in Europe, I'm heading off on a much small version of "turist," actually call it "grunt."  

My sister Barbara is taking her beautiful gelding Dusty to an Arabian Show in Yakima this weekend, so I'm the designated grunt this time----in a good way, of course.  

Grunts aka grooms follow along with the competitors, pinning on numbers, dusting off boots, prettying up tails and just doing whatever's needed to have the horse and rider looking their best before entering the show ring.

Various members of our family have served this need at various horse shows for both sisters.  

It's a situation of some work and lots of opportunities to see beautiful horses and visit with their entourages.  

So, a heads up to readers----my blog posts could be erratic for the next three days, maybe not.  It all depends on the Internet connections and the timing.  

I'm hoping to have photos of our activities and daily reports if all goes well.  

In the meantime, Happy Friday and do think about an "Annie" geocoin.  Can't go wrong! 

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