Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Tuesday Twitterdeedrops

They say to let your asparagus stocks stay in place until the following spring.  At least, I read that somewhere when I first discovered that our farm had asparagus.

So, I faithfully follow that rule, and I'm glad.  Yesterday, after several hours of rain, the sun came out, and that asparagus shimmered like nobody's business.

The dogs hung out next to it, so I thought it made for a pretty picture. 

And, this is what wet asparagus looks like up close and personal.  Seems there are some nice colors involved with wet, although I think most people around here would prefer the colors of fall to all the drenching we've experienced lately.

This morning the skies are blue with a few clouds, so maybe I can get at a few outdoor projects.  Bill and I are going to Las Vegas next week, so winterizing and getting ready to be gone are both high on the agenda.

My brother Jim will come again and watch the Lovestead, so we're thankful for his help.

Today I expect to see Debbie earlier than usual with the grandpuppies, as she begins her new job as POAC director.

 I'm hoping it won't be a LONG day for her because she had oral surgery yesterday.  Could be she'll just have to do a lot of listening today as her gum heals.

Not much else on the agenda except watching the great goings on or lack thereof associated with our government.

I hope all those people making the decisions for the rest of the citizenry are not feeding from the public trough in any way, shape or form.

Silly me!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly you, indeed! I'll bet THEIR paychecks won't stop... oh, silly me.... they all have enough money in the bank that they won't suffer at all. But as for the rest of us - why, just let those "others" eat cake...that's what I say!!! DISGUSTING - every last one of them! I'm sick of the finger pointing - every one of them is to blame for this - I don't care how they voted!

Whew - glad I got that off my mind! H