Yesterday's drive was a long one. I think we put in about 600 miles, traveling from Deer Lodge to Fillmore, Utah. So that meant a LOT of sitting in the car, but when we did have chances to stop, I loved every moment.
Bill had three geocaches listed on the itinerary---one near Dell, Mont., another just across the Idaho-Montana border and the third, at the Idaho-Utah border. We stopped for two but had to bypass the third because it was on the wrong side of the freeway.
His first cache find is featured in the two of the top photos. While he was recording his find, I walked around and spotted the odd sticker on the road sign. That's what "upclose and personal" along with geocaching does for travelers.
We get to see the odds and ends details along with the general scene, including the general ground cover. In the case of the decal, I couldn't help but wonder if the sticker is part of a grand plan to get the word out, no matter how subtle.
While Bill was looking for his second cache near Humphrey, just inside Idaho, I walked for about a quarter mile back to the school house we had just passed on the freeway exit.
The school is long abandoned by humans, but the horses showed up. I wondered if this ol' teacher had walked into the building, would they follow me? Probably not.
They seemed quite content to stand near the school and watch the world go by, even old ladies.
Scenes like the school house provide the true gems of road trips. When I have time some day, I'll have to do some research and learn more about the Humphrey school. Though it was inside Idaho, I couldn't help but think of some of the sketches I've read in Ivan Doig novels.
The rest of our day focused on getting on down the road and closer to Las Vegas. Some hunters at our motel restaurant told us last night that if we go with the speed limit (80 mph), we should be there in four hours.
We'll probably drive in a little more relaxed manner cuz Annie's not due in until mid-afternoon and she's got the ticket to our hotel.
Should be a fun trip today and then the real fun begins. Yay, GeoCoinfest 2013! We're ready.
Happy Thursday, and best wishes to our daughter-in-law Debbie as she is introduced publicly as POAC's new executive director tonight at the Panida Blaze and Kelly concert. And, best wishes to Kim Queen, her predecessor who has been so helpful during Debbie's orientation into the job!
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