Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Asparagus and a Pig-Smooching Intrigue

First asparagus from the Lovestead garden---baked in olive oil and seasoned:  yum, yum. 

I took an after-dinner bike ride on the Forest Siding loop.  The evening sun on lush green grass was something to behold.  This is when the Selle area really earns its medals for esthetics and peaceful tranquility.

On another note, as a lucky journalist I've intercepted some information of a rural note that actually has me head scratching.  And, that's not just my annual itch. 

I'm scratching my head because, after seeing this stuff, I'm really curious about what the heck has happened to some of our head educators.

True, May is a strange month in education circles.  Many brains "turn to jello," my journalism mentor Bob Hamilton used to say, but he was referring to high school seniors, NOT school principals. 

I found the picture above in my Hotmail in-box last night, and while poring over my "junk" mail, I happened on to a series of emails that may not have been meant for public consumption.

Investigative journalism instincts took over.  I'm exposing this information in hopes we can all work together to get to the bottom of it. 

Seems that this correspondence I found has something to do with Little League, a pig with a slimy snout and one of the lucky individuals pictured or NOT (what's with you, Kim Keaton? Anywho?). 

I've heard that Bill Hawkins who used to sit in my sophomore English class a long time ago and now sits at the Litehouse, Inc. adminstrative table,  has something to do with this scheme and that he's trying to take advantage of some poor little piglet to make money for Little League.

I do believe we need to pull in PETA into this matter as we investigate what's happening to whom and who's planning to kiss whom in the near future.

I also heard bacon mentioned, and I'm sincerely hoping that the little piglet when it does its smooching doesn't turn into a slab of breakfast delights.  Someone told me Steve Wood has something to do with this too. 

All I know is that it doesn't sound good, and we all need to get to the bottom of it. The Little League folks may be launching "Kiss the Pig" contest, but I'm seriously gonna squeal really loud and call for a "Save the Pig" movement.  

After all, any pig that has to kiss a school principal deserves to live a long life in luxury. 

So, I need some help.  If you're reading this, please study the series of emails, which I intercepted and posted at the bottom.  

Seems like we could all come together, help out the local baseball players and see that this little pig, probably named Percy (remember that tongue twister Miss Ann Curtis used to make us recite:   Percy Pig is plump and pink; I like plump pink pigs, I think), gets guaranteed a long life and get to tell stories to his grand-piglets about the day he had to kiss a principal and actually survived the ordeal. 

From what I've gleaned in the emails below, I believe you're supposed to call up your favorite OR LEAST FAVORITE school principal/or their trusty secretary,  check out the facts and then fill out a check or hand over some money to the school. 

The school that brings in the most pork--er--money earns the honor of watching its principal smooch with Percy.  And, Little League gets some help too. 

I've also heard that if the high school wins this contest, present principal Becky Kiebert will step aside and bestow the honor on incoming principal Tom Albertson as his first official duty. Now that would be something to see!

Okay, read the stuff below and see if you get the same impression I have.  And, be sure to act by calling up, paying up and then showing up to see the smooch heard around the school district. 

Marianne's latest postal pilferring: 

I'm hoping you can help us rally the teams and schools to drive a lot of awareness to Kiss-the-Pig. I've persoanlly talked to 3 principals and am amazed at their competitive spirit to win. I also have talked to several teachers who have said even though it's been going for only 2 days (last Friday) it is bringing a lot of excitement.

Our goal is how do we get it out of the school halls and into the public? I think there are lot's of "lposd alumni" like myself who would donate knowing it is a fun competition. We hope to get teams and schools signed up to hit the streets for Lost in the 50's weekend so please contact trish.butler@lposd.org to make sure we canvas the streets. This event ends this Sunday and results will be announced Tuesday of next week.

Please see below and feel free to pass on.

Attached is a sneak preview of what we gave to the pig barn to raise awareness within the swine community competition of what they may have to kiss. Angus Travers (manager Woods Meats) told me the pigs seem to be very repulsed at the idea of locking lips with the two legged kind.

From: Beth Hawkins [beth@keokee.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 4:39 PM
To: Bill Hawkins
Subject: Re: T-shirts/Kiss-the-pig

Who's bringing home the bacon? That would be Southside and Kootenai - 28 students at each of the two schools wore their baseball jerseys last Friday to bring awareness to Kiss-The-Pig. Congrats!

Preliminary numbers are coming in for the Kiss-The-Pig contest, and hear that Kootenai raked in a whopping $263 as of last Friday. Southside is in the game, as well, confident that they're leading as a percentage. Baseball players and coaches will be hitting the streets this Friday and Saturday during the Lost in the '50s, gathering up last-minute donations. There's word that Woods Meats will be joining along with the very much kissable pig - so stay tuned! We'd love to have more volunteers, so give us a holler if you'd like to help.

We're excited to see the principals boost school spirit for this event - and there's lots of creativity going on to make this fundraiser successful! Several area gas stations are willing to put out buckets, as well, and we'll see about some of the larger businesses "passing the bucket."

Look for the Sandpoint High School video on the event, and press release later this week. Please help spread the word "county league" is back (for us old-timers who remember competing school against school). Only one school can win, so we need alumni support!


A tie between Southside and Kootenai...each with 28 shirts....

As this competition within the competition isn't by percentage just straight number...flat out tie.

Overall competition would be by %....

Anywho...Bill...we need more Bacon to handle the tie!!

Way to go schools!

Hope:  3
Sagle:  2
WA:  7
NS:  21
FS:  26
SS:  28
KT:  28

Way to go Kiss the piggers!  Keep it rollin.

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