Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday TwitterdeeVOTE

Just a duck in a pond along Colburn-Culver Road, happily with no political signs to obstruct the serenity or to disrupt its peace and quiet. 

It's primary day in Idaho.  Thank God!

Once the voting ends today and winning candidates begin plotting their strategy for the general election, we voters/victims should get a brief break from the nonstop radio ads and the big pile of daily, full-color political brochures in our mailboxes, often from the same candidates every single day.  

Hallelujah Chorus!   Our land-line phone should stop ringing several times a day, with freedom-oriented candidates spreading malicious inuendos about their opponents (whom many of us have known for decades and respect).

These calls from "people in the know" also remind us how we're gonna lose all our rights and our freedoms if we don't vote for such and such who's lived here in Idaho all of three or four years and who, in that time, has devised all the answers to our pitiful woes, especially the fact that we North Idahoans worry every single day that the sky is gonna fall in.

The part I hate about all the telephone ringing and the constant intrusion of the privacy of my home----often when I've come inside from yard work to go to the bathroom----is that you can't turn the DAMN MESSAGE THINGS OFF.  

Through some sort of devious technology, those idiots get to keep on spouting their talking points (always inserting the hot button words "freedom," "liberty" and "rights").

No matter how many buttons you push on your phone to silence them, they won't go away until they're done spewing. 

Case in point:  yesterday one of the calls among the first six that came to our house before 11 a.m. actually involved a live person who gave a number for calling back.

This individual wanted to let my husband, who was out working in the forest, know that he had won the money TREE at Panhandle State Bank.

So, I wasted no time picking up the phone for fear another political call would interrupt my train of thought, which included trying to remember the call-back number she had provided in her message.

As an old fogey, I did forget the number, though, once I had told Bill the good news abot the money tree. 

Then, I realized that I would have to go back and listen to the answering machine to write down that telephone number from the Panhandle State bank lady.  In doing so, I realized that the political message which arrived on the machine right after hers had not yet been deleted. 

Still on the phone with Bill, I frantically pushed one button after another, only to have that idiot from Boise or some place like that, spouting off his campaign propaganda.  

Try as I might, I could not shut the guy up and finally had to say to Bill, "I'll call you back when I figure out how to get rid of this message and get to the one we really care about."

What happened to our freedoms, when we had money growing on trees down at Panhandle State Bank???  Those political yahoots were treading on our rights!  

Will someone please invent an "UNLIKE" button for us to use on our answering machines during the silly often ludicrous political season?

If Staples can come up with a "That WAS EASY" button, surely some bright mind could devise a method for us to simply push a button to register our opinions straight back to those other machine sending messages to our home answering machine. 

Of course, they don't care what OUR opinion happens to be or that some of us have independent minds and like to make our voting decisions through observation and logical thought processes which use facts---not irrational fears---to come to our conclusions. 

I've got something else to say---and, yes, I think still have my "rights" and my "freedoms" to say it: I'm sick and tired of this year's political season when all these people----most of whom I had never heard of until their signs, undoubtedly well-funded by unknowns with a bitter axe to grind---started showing up all over Bonner County.  

These same people who have worried so much about all of us losing our rights and our freedoms, have taken their own "liberty" to demonize and villainize decent, highly respected people who have worked long and hard with integrity to do their best in behalf of their local constituents IN 2014 AMERICA. 

These are the same people who wear hats stating "Don't Tread on Me" while going from house to house trying to intimidate voters who have the audacity to support people they know are doing the best they can to represent the people who elected them to serve in their respective offices. 

I hope the electorate in our area sees through these emotion-charged attempts to bring down good people who are qualified and who have proven that they represent our best interests in what really matters to the people of Idaho. 

So, I'll soon be driving past that lovely pond and maybe even waving at that happy duck, as I make my way to the church on Colburn-Culver Road, say hello to the neighborhood crowd who run the polls, mark my ballot, drive home and smile, knowing the phone calls will only involve that same guy that tells me some medical person from somewhere has recommended that I get a Security Alert System in my house cuz I am old. 

Been that route before with my mother, so that telemarketer needs to wait another 20 years before I'll bite on that one. 

Feeling safe, free, unintimidated, not naked, not afraid here in North Idaho on Election Day, but that COULD change when the results come out.

P.S. Feeling affluent too!  Bill won $75 worth of ones and fives along with a lovely burning bush tree. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO, MARIANNE!!!! and yes, I AM SHOUTING! I think you have put into words what most if not all of your friends want to say too. Today is most welcome for relief from the relentless calls. And hopefully all of the candidates will remember to remove their signs quickly.
