Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Slightly Hot and Horsey

 Another quick posting today:  as I need to be off to the horse show.  

The next two days will be spent in the announcer’s booth at the Bonner County Fairgrounds where kids, adults and horses will compete in various horse show classes.

I stopped by the fairgrounds last night and found a few exhibitors getting ready for the annual show.  

Later, Bill and I joined other family members at the Thompson cabin for a wonderful dinner, featuring Sefo’s tasty barbecued chicken and several delicious salads.

We also had a good time visiting with our friends and “outlaws” in the Thompson clan.  It was a gorgeous summer eve and some pleasant relaxation before the next two hot days ahead.

So, I’ll wish all a happy Saturday.  Stay cool, and enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pictures, marianne!!

the children are starting to look like people we know.
sorry we missed it