Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Miscellany

Well, I found the road to Lost Lake (mentioned in yesterday's post), but the south branch of Thimbleberry Lane goes up a steep grade, and a sign reminds curious intruders like me that the road is private. 

So, I turned around, a bit disappointed that Lost Lake will remain on my bucket list of things to see (especially when they're in the neighborhood).

The trip was not all disappointing because along the north branch of Thimbleberry Lane, the deer up above stood and posed for its portrait before running off into the woods.

I was amazed how calm the creature was because I had just turned around on the segment of North Thimbleberry Lane where a sign warns of a "rifle range."  If that deer has lived long enough to reach adulthood, it must be savvy about staying out of the rifle range, especially during hunting season.

On my way to Thimbleberry Lane, I passed by Ina Jacobson's place where, at first I thought I was seeing a freak of nature----frozen flowers in the midst of live vegetation.

Since it was Ina's place and since my chastisement for trespassing into her yard just off the road would come from some rather good friends, I took a chance and my camera to get closer to these unique and gorgeous flowers.

Don't know what they are and have never seen anything like them before, but I'm sure someone out there knows exactly what they're called. 

Ina's apple tree took a major hit with the recent frigid temperatures.  Frozen apples do have an artistic flare, though, and it's doubtful the neighborhood deer will feed off from them cuz they're pretty high up on the tree. 

Today could be our last day of brilliant sunshine and cold, cold air.  We've been spared those bitter winds the past couple of days so working outside has been tolerable, and I'm seeing an end point to leaf removal----always a happy time each year.

There's no rest of the wicked at the Young Love's house where last week was totally dominated by long, long days, prepping for "Dancing with the Stars."  Someone posted a photo of the group from Saturday night.  That big boy on the left end is Dr. Love, who'd just received a "close" buzz. 

No doubt, he's preparing himself for the girls' basketball season, which starts tomorrow night.  This year Willie is serving as assistant coach to Duane "Woodie" Ward, and it sounds like he's enjoying the assignment.

Swiss Miss will debut in her new sport during the Junior Varsity game tomorrow afternoon. Except for some rather sore ankles from so much running and turning, she's enjoying basketball. 

It's definitely a "basketball, anyone?" week with the college teams in full gear today, including a ZAGS home game with Southern Methodist University tonight.

And, this is a week where afternoon naps might be wise since two games start at 8 p.m. I'm gonna have to pace myself and make sure I don't fall asleep.  And, the ZAGS are gonna have to win so I don't have that later insomnia problem stemming from ZAGS losses when they play those late games. 

Hopefully, all will line up right, and we'll enjoy the whole week's worth of basketball fun. 

During the days I'll keep putzing along, preparing for Thanksgiving dinner here at the Lovestead----clean-up and preparing dishes that can be prepared ahead of time.  So far, the cranberry sauce is ready.  Next come the turnips and sweet taters, and later, I purchase the turkey.  

Lots to do, so I'll sign out for now.  Happy Monday.  GO ZAGS!

1 comment:

fortboise said...

It's an ornamental grass, but not one I know the name of. More fruit than flowers by now.