Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday Slight

All Things Goat . . . . 

As far as I know, not one goat has set foot on the Lovestead since July 1, 2006.  We've had deer, pigs, dogs, ponies, horses and even a stray guinea hen from next door, but I've never seen evidence of goats, not even in the game camera. 

Up to July 1, 2006, what's now the Lovestead was an all-electrified goat farm.  The goats kept the place clean of weeds and virtually any other shrubs, flora that grew in the woods and pastures.  They also did a number on the white pine trees in the forest.

I vowed we would not have a goat in our animal herd.  I don't have anything against them, 'cept maybe the stories I've heard about them rivaling deer in decimating people's flower gardens and anything else their little teeth will nibble. 

I'm just not a goat person, even though I admit they're adorable and the iddy biddy ones are cute as a bug's ear. 

You can imagine the initial expression I gave off yesterday when fair manager Rhonda told me my categories for the fair's "Digital Shoot-out" were "goats" and "families and kids."  Of course, I saw a clear advantage.  

I would not have to leave the goat show to get all my shots because we all know about "kids."  

There were kids and kids and mature goats and mature adults with kids at the goat showing arena, so the geography of the situation played in my favor. 

I actually build some relationships with kids and goats----not so much, though, as to feel the need to kiss a goat as so many goat owners seem to want to do.

I'll stick with Lily and Lefty's soft muzzles, thank you. 

Still, I totally enjoyed myself and had a little extra fun when I saw the family a couple of doors over all present to watch Boston and Tara show Buttercup in several events, including costume, quality and fitting and showing.

It was a great start for the family experiencing their first hands-on involvement in 4-H and the county fair. 

All in all, the digital shoot-out with a heavy dose of the goat world was great fun, and I hope you enjoy the photos. 

Those goats really can be lovely creatures when they're at the county fair and not eating your flowers. 

By the way, there is a way to still vote for the shoot-out winners----if you're on Facebook, and you'd like to do so. The top photo is competing for whatever prizes they hand out.  

At this time, my sister Barbara and her lovely photo of Mabel, the adorable Jersey seems to be leading the pack, which is fine by me.

Annie always wants me to get a Jersey for the Lovestead.  For today, voting for Mabel is good enough for me. 

Those wanting to vote simply go to my Facebook wall, scroll down a bit, find the collage of fair photos and vote for the individuals that you like.  

If you need to check back to Slight Detour for one of those, she's up there on top, praying with her goat. 

Happy Saturday. 

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