Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Faces and Frolic in Spring Splendor

After posting these photos this morning, I realized that I had managed to get all the long-term beloveds here at the Lovestead:  Bill, Festus, Lily, Kiwi, Lefty, Foster and Liam.  

We do have a lot more unnamed souls in the menagerie, like the robin which is always looking for worms in the northeast section of the main front lawn or the resident crows who flit and squawk about all over the place and, of course, the town squirrel and the chickadees and finches. 

I'm sure there are more, but these are the principal characters in a usual day around the place. 

Of late, the pansies have come to full life, a few new blooms every day, and I do believe pansies have expressions.  Take the photo of the purple (should I say 'Prince') pansy, which seems to say I'm first while its yellow counterpart in the back looks a bit forlorn about its lot in life. 

Granted, tulips don't really have faces, but when we take an upfront and personal look, we can reach right into their souls and see their innermost dimensions.  Happily this year other faces with four legs have not come to the Lovestead to look deep into any of my tulips' souls and then take a chomp.  

Knock on wood.  It's been nice to enjoy these vibrant spring flowers for a change.

I'm loving the ever-increasing color around the place, and I always love the first day when the horses get to go to the front pasture with brilliant, lush and fast-growing green grass contrasting with their colors.  

They don't stay long in the pasture this time of year because that grass can be too lush for their tummies; Lily never seems to understand that concept because once she's tasted grass, she'd settle for grazing the whole day. 

I've noticed lately that fat Festus (termed obese by some) has been wandering away from his deck chairs and actually walking to the barn.  Fortunately for me but not for Festus, the mouse population out there has been minimal to zip for several months.  Hope it stays that way, and, with Festus' plump barrel, he'll do okay without adding mice to his diet. 

And, of course, this is the peak of esthetic joy when the Border Collie Nation Plus One go to the hayfield.  Their trips will soon be limited as the grass turns into full-fledged hay. 

Last night's session in the field with the dogs and Bill was not quite as joyous as it appears.  All went well until Liam chewed his leash into two pieces, even while being free. 

That meant an increased challenge in catching free Liam. When we managed that, I tied the leash back together.  One run across the field and my knot came undone.  

During all this leash repair, Liam was getting ideas about his freedom.  He soon put them into action crawling through the fence into Meserve's field.  

Do you think Liam was gonna let us catch him?  Oh, he would let Bill get to within three or four feet and then trot off to go sniff another part of the field. 

It became frantic, but finally he decided he had had enough fun and came back through the fence on his own. 

"Free Liam" has gone back to being a concept, and I think I'll need to search for a newer, better, chew-free leash. 

In spite of the frenzy, we did enjoy some play time with the dogs in a gorgeous setting, and that does overshadow the occasional bouts of human apoplexy over canine danger-filled misconduct. 

It continues to be beautiful around here, and all the inhabitants are loving it.

Happy Wednesday. 


I love you, Foster! 

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