Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Thoughts and Images

A poignant observation expressed in a Facebook post on Sept. 11, 2016, by a true hero from Sandpoint. 

Fifteen years, and it still hurts like it did that day. 

I couldn't even imagine what the world would look like if that act of terror wasn't successful? That's how life altering 9/11 was for our country and the world.

My heart still goes out to the victims and first responders. They're still battling every day with health issues. We must take care of these people. It's our responsibility as a nation. 

Never forget!!

                                           ----Former Army Sgt. Brandon Adam, who lost his legs while serving in Iraq.  Brandon lives life to the fullest with his wife and two adorable daughters in Colorado.

In the minds of many who know him and his story, this former soldier also serves as an inspirational example of grace, courage and sincere caring for his fellow man.  


This weekend marked the "Last Horse Show of the Season" Show at the Bonner County Fairgrounds----for 'light' horses and ponies, that is.  There's the annual Idaho State Draft and Mule International coming up at the end of next week.

Anywho, my sisters did some showing yesterday, and Barbara was proud to announce that her Dusty (Ravenwood Dun in Style) placed first in all of his nine classes.  That was a first time ever.  So, she was pretty happy. 

The photo below shows her winning the big bouquet of flowers for placing first in the Red Hat/Pink Shirt class, honoring the memory of Elizabeth O'Brien, who, along with her family, always helped with the show. 

My sisters and Dusty.  Oh yeah, they'd probably be disappointed if I didn't mention the gorgeous show halter, which they gave me as a birthday present a few years back.  I'm always happy when my show halter participates and especially when there's a first-place ribbon involved. 

My sister Laurie showed Dusty in showmanship to contribute to his winnings. 

Barbara and family friend Roxzene Bockstruck exiting a class. 

I just thought this little one was pretty cute and needed its picture taken. Love the bling halter. 

Also, this morning, one more video from the Camino de Santiago in Spain---from a German perspective.  

I might like having my show halter do well at a horse show, but I think Annie's more proud of her flipflops because they have become Internationally famous AND they're set to get even more acclaim when this portion of the show featuring the retired German game-show hosts airs.  

If you don't want to watch all four minutes you can speed ahead to about 1:50 where Annie's feet and legs and her flipflops are seen flipping on down the road. 

I suggest watching the whole thing (full screen), though, because the photography is supreme.  

Happy Monday, and enjoy. 

1 comment:

Helen said...

apparently there is no word in German for "flip flops" because he clearly says "flip flops". :)