Sunday, January 07, 2018

Got Stable Geniuses!

Funny how you can go a lifetime without hearing some word combos and then, all the sudden, they start showing up virtually everywhere you look and listen. 

That's the glory of language----forever a work in progress, often with new terminology evolving because of incidental or historical happenings  of the day. 

I'd never ever met a "stable genius" or even heard of one until yesterday morning.  

Now, less than 24 hours later, after a self-proclaimed stable genius came forward,  it seems like such entities have been around me all the time.

I just didn't notice. 

I've never heard of Mr. Ed being called a "stable genius," but I guess the photo above (stolen from Twitter) proves that Mr. Ed was pretty smart and that he lived in a stable.

I did not know that The Donald lived in a stable. 

I actually experienced and zeroed in on stable geniuses yesterday, firsthand, no less, when I drove over to my sisters' farm to soak Little CB's swollen fetlock joint.  

I pulled up into the driveway next to their big barn, parked and did a double take. 

It suddenly dawned on me that Little CB was standing where Little CB should not have been standing.  

He was not in his assigned corral but standing west of the barn with some of the longtime, resident, big horses.  

Upon looking closer, I noticed CB's stallmate Arty and his other corral mates Persi and Mazy also in the pasture west of the barn.  

I immediately called my sisters on the cell phone and asked if they had let the young horses out of their corral.  

No, they hadn't, Barbara said, adding that they would be coming down to the barn to see what was going on. 

While they made their way from the house to the barnyard, I walked over to the other side of the barn and saw most of the horse herd standing inside CB, Mazy, Persi and Arty's corral---as if they owned the place!

Stable geniuses, for sure! 

Someone---with four legs and a tail---had opened the gate to the corral, sent the young'uns on their way and invaded the corral to see just what was so special inside that enclosure.

Yup, that's definitely genius at the stable. 

The genius mode continued because, within about five minutes, all horses were back where they belonged and life at Tibbs Arabians moved on without a hitch. 

I guess now that I think about it, "stable genius" has happened many times for my sisters and me during our lifetime of being around precocious and bored horses.

Those horses can come up with the damnedest tricks while in their stable area.  

And, it's downright genius what they are able to accomplish on a daily basis when you think that some people, who consider themselves as geniuses, think horses are downright dumb. 

Of course, some of these people think that horses are dumb AND that a lot of people---well, maybe ALL the people 'cept themselves, of course----are downright stupid.

When you live on a farm with animals or you read a classic book called Animal Farm, you tend see it a little differently.  

I have found during my humble and often humiliating lifetime that the very moment I start thinking I'm getting pretty smart---a gong goes off and I do something really stupid.

Each time this happens---and, it is quite often----I'm once again reminded that, like most other humans on this earth and like our ever-evolving language, I continue to be a work in progress.

Contrary to the beliefs of some, we humans are flawed, and no human is omniscient. 

There are always new things to learn-----like new terminology, for instance:  stable genius

With that said, I'll soon be headed out to my barn---er---STABLE to see what genius stuff Lily and Lefty have pulled off overnight.  

I hope I don't discover the barn door wide open and find them out of their stalls and standing out there in the barnyard waiting for me to feed them their breakfast.

Maybe that's not a bad thing.  These geniuses are simply coming up with a new way to save me some time. 

Happy Sunday.  May you find your own stable of geniuses. 

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