Friday, September 14, 2018

It's Florence AND Not the Hurricane

I hadn't driven down Florence Street in years. 

Yesterday, as the hurricane by the same name was revving up on the East Coast, I took Bill to Auto Electric to pick up his pickup. 

It had needed some repairs, and Wednesday Bill thought those repairs might take more than a day, so he asked me to come and pick him up at work. 

Minutes after we pulled into the driveway, he received a call that the pickup was ready. 

It could wait until the next morning, he decided. 

That decision turned out fun for me.  I dropped him off and then started north on North Florence which extends from Auto Electric several blocks to Larch Street. 

Twas mid-morning after most folks had gone to work or school; thus, not much traffic was moving either way on Florence.  

So, I opened my front-seat windows and stopped every so often along my way, snapping photos of the still "living" and  slowly "bursting" color along the street. 

It's that time of year when the crescendo of autumn beauty begins, providing lovely accents to the last of the late summer flowers, now at their height and not far from wrapping up their show for another year. 

Within the next couple of weeks, those gorgeous fall tones will take over the landscape and provide us the last of the "living color" for 2018.  

It's fun to observe the subtle episodes where golds and reds and hot pinks and browns gradually emerge, on a daily basis, especially as the night air turns a crispy cold with a hint of frost.

The seasonal show of nature has begun, and North Florence offers some brilliant examples. 

Meanwhile out here in Selle, that subtlety is occurring also (as seen in the lower photos) but not nearly as dramatically as those tightly packed neighborhoods back in town.  

More homes per block mean more people to create their unique and beautiful front-yard displays of nature. 

I may have to drive down more residential streets in Sandpoint over the next few weeks, cuz I have a feeling that lovely street-side shows like I saw on Florence yesterday will be abounding with autumn magnificence.

It's something to behold each and every day for the next few weeks because we all know that it will be the grand finale for "living color in 2018." 

Happy Friday.   


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