Saturday, November 17, 2018

Country School Parade, Et. Al.

Our travel trailer came home yesterday. 

When Bill headed to Lake RV to bring the trailer home from being winterized, he called just after leaving.

"There's something going on at Selle Valley Carden School," he said. "Lots of cars and lots of people outside."

That's all the info. I needed.  

I grabbed my camera and jumped in the car, bound for the little country school just a mile or so away down Selle Road.

I'm sure I've mentioned before that pretty much anything connected with that school is a treat for me, especially its students.

This time, they had invited their families to watch a parade of lawnmowers, wagons, wheel barrows and even baby buggies, used as display transports and pulled or pushed by kids all decked out in theme costumes. 

Twas a parade of states with commentary on historical highlights, setting each state apart from the other 49.

When I arrived toward the end of the program, the moderator was calling out "Virginia." 

As the crowd watched and listened, the student who had researched Virginia pulled his display on a wagon around the circle of state displays. 

Afterward, I had time to talk with "Elvis" with Mississippi roots and Lena, who told me about Arkansas where Wal-Mart began.  

Ironically, just an hour before, I'd received a piece of mail from Arkansas and Wal-Mart, telling me some information about their pharmaceutical services. 

I also enjoyed a nice visit with Colton, whom I know through Gold n' Grouse 4-H Club.  Colton quizzed me on names.

"What's my dad's first name?" he asked.

"Jason," answered, feeling confident cuz Jason was a student in the last high school English class I ever taught.

"What's my dad's last name?" Colton asked.

"Cates," I said, feeling even more confident.

What's my dad's middle name?" Colton asked.

Stumped, for some odd reason, I did not know Jason's middle name.  Stumped!

I think I remember correctly that Jason's middle name is "Christian."  

And, if that's right, I probably won't forget.  Maybe next time I'll ask Colton, "What's my middle name?"

Anyway, as always, visiting the Selle Valley Carden School, left me with some great memories of country school education in action. 

The Wood sisters and their staff do a wonderful job, educating those young people inside and out. 

By the way, Stacey's sister Melissa told me they'll be at the Christmas Craft sale at the fairgrounds this weekend, selling their hand-crafted Christmas greenery and signs, with profits benefitting school activities.  

Bill and I are starting the day in Bonners Ferry, making our annual pilgrimage to another country school, where  the sale of crafts and baked goods will also benefit projects at the Mennonite school activities. 

It's always a fun time, especially watching the production of apple butter in the big kettle and, of course, purchasing a bag of kettle corn.  

Then, we'll spend some time at home before heading to Sandpoint High School to watch Willie's debut as a head coach.  The Bulldogs will face off against the Post Falls Trojans. 

I have also included some photos taken around our yard yesterday.  It was once again a gorgeous day for enjoying the out of doors, and, after last Saturday's sad times, we are so thankful that our Kiwi is back to doing exactly what Kiwi loves to do.

She has bounced back nearly 100 percent, and we are so relieved.  

GO, Bulldogs!  GO, Kiwi.  Happy Saturday. 

Stacey Rief

Mennonite Craft Sale today at the Mennonite School just off from Three Mile Junction north of Bonners Ferry.  Good eats.  Get there early!

And, at the Lovestead . . . happy dogs

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