Saturday, December 15, 2018

Doggies Duke It Out

It's about friends or, occasionally, foes disagreeing. 

It's about taking on the tough fights.

It's about sensible strategy.

It's about having an impartial mediator/referee, maybe even one with a stick, to maintain peace and general civility.

It's about taking matters head on.

Sometimes it's involves "turning tail and running" in the heat of the battle but not giving up. 

It's about fighting ferociously but fighting fair.

It's about submitting a bit or maybe even compromising so things don't get really ugly.  

It's about talking it out and coming to a final agreement. 

It's about agreeing once again to be friends and moving on in relative peace until the next squabble. 


This happens pretty much every day out in my pasture. 

My black and white dogs seem to be able to understand all those principles, listed above. 

I wonder why humans, especially in oval offices, can't do the same.

Maybe they need a pasture and a wise old dog with a stick. 


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