Friday, February 08, 2019

Old and Cold; a Papal Moment

Fifty years after the brutal and memorable "Winter of '68-69," we've been downright giddy about this year's winter.

Maybe not so fast!

In the past few days, the predicted warmer and wetter winter (El Nino) has turned cold, windy and snowy. 

And, there's more to come this weekend, as forecasters are calling for blizzard-like conditions from the Northwest Coast to the Inland Northwest. 

In fact, my daughter is downright bummed.

A couple of months ago, she bought tickets for herself and for Debbie to attend an book-tour appearance tonight with former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Annie found out yesterday that the potential severity of the winter storm in the Seattle-Tacoma area led to the event being called off and rescheduled. 

Quite a contrast from what my cousin in Phoenix told me several years ago:  when we schedule a picnic four months in advance, we know we'll have the picnic.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way in the Pacific Northwest. 

We live our lives of scheduling with contingency plans. 

In the Michelle Obama case, a better date with hopefully better weather seemed to be the contingency. 

This morning Bill has already used the tractor to clear areas after an overnight snowfall, and we're hearing it's gonna get worse this weekend before it gets better. 

Anywho, that explains most of my photos taken yesterday:  old and cold. 

I'm still able to walk on top of snow, so some were taken out in the hay field where some of those posts and stumps have probably seen generations of folks, cows, deer, moose, coyotes, etc. walking past them. 

A couple of photos were taken the other day over on Woodside Road, again when it was cold outside.

Besides the weather this morning, I wanted to make note of a blog produced and published this week by one of my friends from Hope.

In Hope, there live a group of shakers and doers who definitely and frequently get things done----always in positive, wise and efficient fashion

My friend Connie is one of them.  

This week, she and some of her Hope friends traveled to Boise to participate in Advocacy day with their focus on Prop. 2 and encouraging legislators to help the new Idaho law expanding Medicaid to finish its final lap into action/practice.

It looks as if the ladies had a wonderful time and that they, indeed, made their voices heard. 

Thanks, Connie and the Hope Coalition for your ongoing positive civic accomplishments. 

You can read Connie's thoughts and see several photos by visiting her blog at

Finally, this morning, I'm once again honored to post a photo of our Cindy Wooden, taken earlier this week by her colleague and Catholic News Service (CNS) photographer Paul Haring. 

Cindy, as bureau chief at the Vatican for CNS, accompanied Pope Francis on the Papal jet to the United Arab Emirates. 

It was an historic journey.  

The Pope called the visit a step forward in dialogue and promotion of peace between Catholics and Muslims. 

Of course, there's much more that was accomplished during this visit, and Cindy, a Sandpoint High AND Cedar Post grad, provided journalistic documentation (via publications and social media) of the trip from start to finish. 

While returning to Rome, she spent a few minutes with the Pope, which included blessings of some family rosaries. 

So, you can see the photo of Cindy and Pope Francis below and even read one of the stories she dispatched while on the trip.   

Sandpoint High School grad Cindy Wooden visits with Pope Francis earlier this week in the Papal jet.

And, as Cindy noted in her caption on Facebook:  The famous Sylvia Poggioli of NPR taking a pic of me and the pope.

--Paul Haring-CNS Photo

Link to Cindy's story:


Anonymous said...

I've never seen a pic of Sylvia Poggioli! Love her voice. Enjoy your winter weekend, now that it has truly arrived!

Helen said...

Neither had I. The Pope AND Sylvia. Impressive company!