Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Dire Health Warnings . . . .

I just took a sip of coffee.

That was after looking at my Fitbit and discovering that I've  DONE ONLY 823 STEPS THIS MORNING.

That came after yet another night of nodding off to sleep while watching television.  

Usually, each morning by the time I come upstairs for the first round of surfing my favorite links, my Fitbit tells me I've done more than a thousand steps. 

So, it's a mystery.

 I did the same chores this morning as always:  showered, dressed, started coffee, fed dogs treats and Kiwi medicine, fed Festus, made bed, put towels out on couches for wet doggie paws, grabbed cup of coffee and came up to my computer.

What gives?

Why fewer than 1,000 steps????

I'm totally stressed. My heart rate is off the charts cuz my Fitbit is telling me I'm nervous. 

Dang it all. I'm gonna have to work overtime when I head out to do the chores to make up for all those lost steps.

I'm also stressed cuz I'm guilty of three things "they" warn us not to do if we don't want our health to go to Hell in a hand basket. 

Of course, it depends on which day we're drinking our coffee, cuz coffee dangers come and go just like that little girl pulling petals off the daisy------it's gonna kill me;  it's gonna make me strong, it's gonna kill me, it's gonna make me really strong . . . .

In the past two nights, in periods of NOT snoozing during the evening news, I've learned that Fitbits---which are supposed to be good for folks getting fit---are now deemed bad.  I've also learned that snoozing off while engaged in pretty much any technology is gonna make you fat(ter).

Fitbits could be bad for your health because if you're out of shape and if you sit around too much on any given day, seeing for real on your personal Fitbit that you really are being lazy is gonna get you so stressed out you'll have an emotional breakdown and maybe go gorge on Twinkies cuz it's a lost cause anyhow. 

I think someone who has a beef with Fitbits did this study. 

In one part of the news segment, a boy said that whenever he looks at his Fitbit and sees that he's behind, he just has to walk around a lot to get caught up on his steps.

As if! 

Now, granted, there are down sides to Fitbits.  They sometimes lie to us, especially when we're sitting on a riding lawnmower which involves a lot of elbow grease to make the turns.  

Heck, in one lawn-mowing session you can pick up about 4,000 steps while never taking a step. 

I've personally found a difference in how generous my lawnmowers are in tallying up those extra steps. 

The Sears mower requires a lot of "heave-ho" in making turns and getting out of tight spots, while our zero turn Husqvarna does just what it's advertised to do---zero turning.  You just sit there and let the machine do the work. 

Fitbitwise, I hate zero-turn lawn-mowing days cuz I can get stressed out when I look at my Fitbit and it says that in five or six hours, I gained only a couple of hundred fake steps from my hard work. AND, those probably came from getting on and off the lawnmower.

Whenever Liam is outside and I start up the zero-turn, I put out a lot of energy swinging a towel and screaming at him so he won't bite the mower while herding it. 

Anyway, back to the subject at hand.  

I really do think that if people get depressed or too emotional because their Fitbit indicates they have been slothful that day, there's a simple fix.  

Get off the couch and get out there and move.

They should do that ESPECIALLY if they've fallen asleep while watching TV or surfing on the cell phone cuz we now know they're gonna get fat. 

All the more reason to move and rack up some steps on the Fitbit. 

In all honesty and seriousness, I have found my Fitbit to be one of the best disciplinary tools ever.  It keeps me honest in making sure I get my exercise, and that's important when you're old. 

As for coffee, I drink it every day, regardless of whether it's gonna cause cancer or not.  I see the odds as 50-50 cuz on any given day there's a new report on the good or bad effects of coffee.  

My coffee helps energize me so I can see that my Fitbit chalks up the steps.  

Plus, it helps keep me awake most of the time so I don't fall asleep in front of the TV and gain too many pounds.

I still don't know what to do about snoozing through part of the evening news and waking up only to find the next new thing that's bad for my health.  

I'm wondering if tonight they'll talk about sun screen, which is supposed to protect us from skin cancer----or not!

As I complete my posting this morning, the Fitbit indicates I've taken 3,799 steps since I checked it when I first sat down.  

Now how did that happen? D'ya suppose it records all the times our fingers hit the keys?

Spoiler alert!

Actually, I've done my chores in between segments of the blog. 

Happy Wednesday.  

Don't worry.  Be happy.

All that stuff we hear on TV is fake news anyway!

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