Thursday, January 14, 2021

Wild and Windy and TBT Good Times


In many ways, it feels like a different world out there today.

As I look out my east window, I can see dark blue mountain peaks rising to a sky with ribbons of baby blue and light orange. 

The sun has not yet risen, but Schweitzer to the west is waiting for its arrival.

No doubt those first rays on our ski mountain will create another amazing morning show of lighting and intense colors. 

Feeding horses was relatively easy this morning, except for a few slippery spots.

This all comes after a wild and windy Wednesday where some places in the Inland Northwest received hurricane-force gusts.  

The wind storm inflicted plenty of damage, blowing over trees, where in two cases people died. 

Flooding occurred in several places around the area, including down Selle Road, near the Carden School where the bird house, which is nailed to a fencepost was barely above water yesterday. 

This morning I also heard that 100,000 residents still have no power. 

Here at the Lovestead, we were spared, with the usual two plastic panes blowing off the greenhouse and maybe a few limbs around the yard. 

So, this morning's calm and promise of a gorgeous January day is most welcome.

The weather pattern kinda fits the general mood too. 

I don't know if it's time release extending two directions, but I'm feeling a welcome sense of calm today, mixed with tiny glimmers of excitement about the future.  

Like Connie, whose blog appears in the link below, the thought of late February offering some opportunities we haven't experienced in ten months is nothing short of uplifting.

By that time, our vaccinations should have done their "schooling" of our bodies to set up defense mechanisms against the "invisible, insidious" enemy called Covid. 

Still tough times ahead, but generally, I think we can look forward to better days ahead. 

Today marks a nice start. 

If nice weather were not enough, this is also GAME DAY for ZAGS fans.

Today at 5 p.m. (note I've seen two times listed, so check at 5 and if the game isn't on, come back at 6 p.m.), they take on the Pepperdine Waves. The game will be broadcast on ESPN.



Thursday Throwbacks :  Good Times, Good Peeps

Emotions jumped all over the charts as I chose the following photos from my of several thousand. 

I love having such a huge collection because in cases like today, I haven't seen some of these choices for several years. 

So, it's great fun and, as all the TBT's have been over the past several months, always a reminder of what and whom we've lost, what we miss and the times, people and critters of our individual lives that we love so much.

Photography is definitely the key to history. 

Today's photos were taken at basketball games, in home settings, in the neighborhood, on hikes, at horse shows, at a local pub, in Ireland, at a fairgrounds skijoring event and near our sliding glass door at a time when grandpups Brooke and Todd had a healthy fascination for cats. 

Looking forward to similar times ahead.



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